Christopher, jgart, Nicolas, Christopher Howard 写道: > the path to the binary is malformed: Indeed it was. DESTDIR does not mean ‘final destination’; it's meant as a temporary install-time ‘staging’ directory whose contents are expected to move back to / later. For example, ‘make install DESTDIR=/tmp/my-package-manager-output && cd /tmp/my-package-manager-output && tar cf foo.pkg .’. Guix does not use this packaging method. Setting DESTDIR in Guix is almost always a bug. The few places in Guix where it is used are using it as a hack around buggy build systems. It just happens to work (because, well, the build system's buggy). When reviewing patches, I find the ‘tree’ command very useful to immediately spot such weirdness. Much more so than ‘ls -R’. YMMV. Fixed in commit 89d8417b371f3918f0508bbc561675ec100a6add. Thanks! T G-R