Ludovic Courtès writes: > Christopher Baines skribis: > >> + (with-store store >> + (parameterize >> + ((%lint-checker-store-connection store)) > > Actually it means that now ‘guix lint’ systematically connects to the > daemon. I guess that's the effect, were you meaning this would make a better message in the commit? > I wonder if we could arrange to open the connection lazily, and to > somehow carry state across linter invocations. Perhaps > ‘check-derivation’ should be monadic, with a field in > indicating that. Sounds complicated though. > > Thoughts? I did wonder if the code could somehow transparently be made more efficient. Quite often database clients manage a pool of connections, and when you perform a database operation, a connection from the pool is checked out, and then returned once you're finished. But as you say, this could be complicated. I think parameters can be set with connections, and I'm not quiet sure what the interface should be. I also did think about somehow passing the store connection in to the lint checker more explicitly, but I'm not sure how to generalise that. At least to me, a parameter to store the connection in seemed like a simple if inelegant approach. I'm quite happy to look in to other approaches though if you have thoughts on what might be good. Thanks, Chris