Pierre-Henry Fröhring schreef op zo 06-02-2022 om 15:38 [+0100]: > +     "Psycopg is the most popular [...] > + > +[...], resulting in being both efficient and secure. > From (guix)Synopses and Descriptions: Please avoid marketing phrases such as “world-leading”, “industrial-strength”, and “next-generation”, and avoid superlatives like “the most advanced”—they are not helpful to users looking for a package and may even sound suspicious. Instead, try to be factual, mentioning use cases and features. Here, ‘most popular’ would could as marketing (it isn't important whether it's popular, what is important is that it works well), and to a lesser degree ‘efficient and secure’ -- everything is supposed to be efficient and secure (with varying success). Greetings, Maxime.