On Mon, 2021-03-22 at 18:17 +0100, Ludovic Courtès wrote: > Hi Maxime, Hi > Maxime Devos skribis: > > > A patch defining simple ‘ipfs-service-type’ is attached. I've tested > > this in a VM, and will test it on a ‘real’ system later. The gateway > > is currently broken, it tries to redirect to non-existent subdomains > > of localhost. Correcting this might require fiddling with the DNS > > configuration. > > OK. That doesn’t prevent one from using it, right? Nah, the REST API presumably works just fine and there is plenty to see on the webui: http://localhost:5001/ipfs/bafybeif4zkmu7qdhkpf3pnhwxipylqleof7rl6ojbe7mq3fzogz6m4xk3i/#/ Not perfect, but it might suffice for your purposes. That reminds me the configuration can be modified from there. I didn't figure how to disable that. Not ideal from a security perspective, but at least its only loopback & ipfs is in a container. > > +@lisp > > +;; part of the operating-system declaration > I think you can omit this line. I think I found that line somewhere & copied it for consistency, but it has been some time ago. > > +(service ipfs-service-type > > + (ipfs-configuration > > + (gateway "/ip4/") > > + (api "/ip4/"))) > > Indentation is left (should be aligned with ‘ipfs-service-type’.) Ok, not sure how this happened. > > + (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor/container > > + [container stuff] > > + #:environment-variables #$%ipfs-environment)) > > Nice! Yep! Also, this reminds me I'm not sure what the distinction between #+ and #~ is in activation gexps, in shepherd services definitions, etc. > > + ;; Run ipfs init and ipfs config from a container, > > + ;; in case the IPFS daemon was compromised at some point > > + ;; and ~/.ipfs is now a symlink to somewhere outside > > + ;; %ipfs-home. > > + (define container-gexp [complicated container stuff]) > > > That’s a bit involved, but it makes sense to me. Unfortunately, there are (non-container related) some more issues. Last few weeks I've been seeing this error (/var/log/ipfs.log): (start snip) Error: fs-repo requires migration Initializing daemon... go-ipfs version: 0.8.0 Repo version: 11 System version: amd64/linux Golang version: go1.14.15 Found outdated fs-repo, migrations need to be run. Run migrations now? [y/N] Not running migrations of fs-repo now. Please get fs-repo-migrations from https://dist.ipfs.io Error: fs-repo requires migration (end snip) (Super hacky work-around: rm -r /var/lib/ipfs mkdir /var/lib/ipfs chmod a-rwx /var/lib/ipfs chmod u+rwx /var/lib/ipfs chown ipfs:ipfs /var/lib/ipfs sudo -u ipfs -g ipfs "`guix build go-ipfs`/bin/ipfs" init # ^ this can take some seconds to complete sudo -u ipfs -g ipfs "`guix build go-ipfs`/bin/ipfs" config API /ip4/ sudo -u ipfs -g ipfs "`guix build go-ipfs`/bin/ipfs" config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/ herd enable ipfs herd start ipfs) Unfortunately "fs-repo-migrations" does not seem to be packaged in Guix. Apparently there has been a change in repo format in the go-ipfs v0.7.0 --> v0.8.0 upgrade. I believe for most users simply automatically running the upgrades would be sufficient. Now, how could we do this safely from shepherd? Maybe before starting open a pipe, write "y\n" to it an pass it as file descriptor 0 (stdin) would be sufficient? But shepherd always closes /dev/stdin before exec IIRC .. Seems like shepherd needs support for file descriptor! I've a patch for that, but it needs to be verified (& corrected likely) on GNU/Hurd. Feel free to ask for the incomplete patch if you're impatient and want to finish it yourself! (Seems to work on GNU/Linux in any case.) > The patch LGTM. However, we usually commit services along with a system > test under (gnu tests …). The manual has info on how to run individual > system tests: > > https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Running-the-Test-Suite.html > > Could you write a test that ensures that basic functionality works? It > could be as simple as waiting for the service to be up, then invoking > ‘ipfs add’ and ‘ipfs get’. WDYT? Will look into it eventually, but I am currently occupied with other things that have deadlines )-:. (Not feeling very inspired for a writing/presentation assignment ...) (And I would rather hack on GNUnet frankly; IPFS is more of a stop-gap to me for having some distributed something for substitutes.) So feel free to beat me to it. Greetings, Maxime.