Hello! > Okay. > > It is somewhat unclear to me however how to discover where the > library is located. > As far as I understand how autotools does it, it looks at some > standard locations on `/`, but I am uncertain if that is how it > actually works. > > For example if `libwally-core` is separately packaged, obviously it > would install into a `/gnu/store/*` via a `--prefix` override. > And if the dependent package were using autotools, it is somehow able > to magically find where the `lib*.a` file is. > However, C-Lightning does not actually use autotools (its build > system predated my participation, I offered to port to autotools but > this was declined), so I somehow need to emulate what autotools does > in `--use-system-libraries` mode. > > I probably have to go hack some autotools package that trivially > depends on `libwally-core` and see what the exact shell script is > generated. pkg-config if your deps provide .pc files! Otherwise I am actually not sure of the lookup strategies. > Note that AFAIK the Python bindings do not actually invoke any of the > C-Lightning binaries, they just open the UNIX socket to the c- > lightning daemon, so I think there is no need for `c-lightning` > itself as an input. Alright! > Regards, > ZmnSCPxj Léo