Hi, I've just updated my patch. Hopefully, commit message is now in the right format. I do not have commit permissions to guix repository, in fact this would be me first patch. Best, Andrius 2019 m. lapkričio 16 d., šeštadienis 10:52:49 EET Hartmut Goebel rašė: > Hi, > > the patch lloks good, but please adjust the commit massage to the > format we use. Just have a look at other packages adding or removing inputs. > > Do you have commit permissions? > > -- I encourage the use of end to end email encryption GPG key: https://stikonas.eu/andrius.asc Fingerprint: 1EE5 A320 5904 BAA2 B88C 0A9D 24FD 3194 0095 C0E1