On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 10:09:38AM +0300, Efraim Flashner wrote: > I have a working version of keybase, although I haven't gotten around to > unbundling all the go dependencies yet. I figured I'd post my WIP stuff > here. Hi Efraim, thanks for your message! I like how you consolidated the binaries into a single package with a custom phase. I was going to ask whether you got the GUI working, but after taking another look at the unbundling part, it's clear that this is still not there. When it comes to my own efforts for packaging keybase, I have categorized all the vendored dependencies according to their licenses. I have found 3 libraries without a license. For 2 of them, I prodded the authors a bit and they now include a license. However, I haven't received a response on github.com/keybase/golang-ico (note that despite the /keybase/ in the URL, this is just a fork, the original author has no relation to keybase). I am considering learning enough Go to replace that library with a freely-licensed alternative and submitting a PR upstream, however it is quite low on my TODOs. Regards, Jakub Kądziołka