This updates gnurl to version 7.70.0. Something to consider (for gnurl and curl): While all tests pass, gnurl and curl want the python module "impacket" for some tests since bundled impacket got removed. In the environment of guix, $USER is unset. # get the name of the current user my $USER = $ENV{USER}; # Linux if (!$USER) { $USER = $ENV{USERNAME}; # Windows if (!$USER) { $USER = $ENV{LOGNAME}; # Some Unix (I think) } } leads to $USER being uninitialized at some point (around line 3600 or something further below, grep for it). The tests loudly complain to the log but it's not fatal. Can I (as gnurl upstream) set a fallback value like "Anonymous" in the next release, or what's your take on this?