Hi Guix! Since there was some interest very recently, I took another look at my incomplete why3 and frama-c packages. I updated them and polished them a little. I encourage formal-method guixers to test these patches, especially if you are a user of why3 or frama-c, because I'm not sure how these tools are supposed to be working. Note that I didn't include ide support in why3 because this adds ~1GiB to the closure of the program. A good thing could be to separate the why3 library (not required when using why3) from the main package, in a separate output. For some reason, frama-c doesn't work directly, it needs to be in an environment where its dependencies are present, hence the propagation. However, it's failing at runtime: $ guix environment --ad-hoc frama-c ocaml ocaml-findlib [env]$ frama-c --help [kernel] User Error: cannot load plug-in 'zip': cannot load module Details: error loading shared library: /gnu/store/hsjnvq5li28ak2wjnwlmqsfbg246skcg-profile/lib/ocaml/site-lib/zip/zip.cmxa: invalid ELF header [kernel] User Error: cannot load plug-in 'why3': cannot load module Details: error loading shared library: /gnu/store/hsjnvq5li28ak2wjnwlmqsfbg246skcg-profile/lib/ocaml/site-lib/why3/why3.cmxs: undefined symbol: camlGzip [kernel] User Error: cannot load plug-in 'frama-c-wp': cannot load module Details: error loading shared library: /gnu/store/daqn9vsc15j3slbalw2fag6amndv8x98-frama-c-20.0/lib/frama-c/plugins/top/Wp.cmxs: undefined symbol: camlWhy3__Theory [kernel] User Error: Deferred error message was emitted during execution. See above messages for more information. [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.