Hi Ludo, On Fri, 15 Jun 2018 09:12:31 +0200 ludo@gnu.org (Ludovic Courtès) wrote: > Apologies for dropping the ball! No problem, no need to hurry! I've researched a little in the mean time and found out that other projects DO have automated u-boot installation, for example: https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot/blob/master/board/olimex/a20_olinuxino/genimage.cfg So we could leave this stuff mostly to them - although it would mean we'd only support boards they support. It would make us lose support for these for now: * qemu_arm_vexpress * qemu_mips64el_malta * banana-pi-m2-ultra * nintendo-nes-classic-edition * novena * cubieboard * puma-rk3399 So we'd have to upstream support for those[1] - and also have a fallback in the mean time maybe. A very minimal WIP patch for that is attached. What it does is install a "genimage.cfg" which describes how to install u-boot for the current board into the derivation of u-boot. Do we want to proceed like that? Should I move load-u-boot-config into a new guix/build/u-boot.scm ? Or how do I get it into the build side without rebuilding the world? [1] I added banana-pi-m2-ultra in my local buildroot checkout by creating 3 short text files, so it's not that bad.