SeerLite via Guix-patches via schreef op wo 02-03-2022 om 10:17 [- 0300]: > -" This appends all of the vim plugins to the end of Vim's runtimepath. > -for directory in ["/run/current-system/profile", $HOME . "/.guix-profile", $HOME ."/.guix-home/profile", $GUIX_PROFILE, $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT] > -    let vimplugins = directory . "/share/vim/vimfiles" > -    if isdirectory(vimplugins) > -        let &rtp = join([&rtp,vimplugins], ',') > -    endif > -endfor > +if !empty($GUIX_VIMRUNTIME) > +    set rtp+=$GUIX_VIMRUNTIME > +endif Nice! That would make the "--pure" option in "guix shell --pure vim perhaps-some-vim-plugins ... -- vim" actually work! (untested, I'm just _looking_ at the patches, not actually testing them) Greetings, Maxime.