Dear Guix, With this patch, I would like to open the mass-update of Bioconductor packages. I built the affected packages after running: $ guix refresh -t bioconductor -u Some new packages must be added because of added dependencies to existing packages: r-genomeinfodbdata, r-delayedarray, r-bookdown For these three packages, I attached patches as well. And these packages would be upgraded: r-annotate, r-geneplotter, r-genefilter, r-summarizedexperiment, r-deseq2, r-annotationforge, r-rbgl, r-gseabase, r-category, r-gostats, r-shortread, r-systempiper, r-grohmm, r-biocgenerics, r-biocinstaller, r-biocviews, r-biocstyle, r-bioccheck, r-dnacopy, r-s4vectors, r-iranges, r-genomeinfodb, r-variantannotation, r-limma, r-xvector, r-genomicranges, r-biobase, r-annotationdbi, r-biomart, r-biocparallel, r-biostrings, r-rsamtools, r-genomicalignments, r-rtracklayer, r-genomicfeatureso, r-graph, r-topgo, r-bsgenome, r-impute, r-seqpattern, r-genomation, r-seqlogo, r-motifrg, r-zlibbioc, r-rhtslib, r-bamsignals, r-mutationalpatterns, r-tximport, r-rhdf5, r-chipseq, r-copywriter, r-sva, r-protgenerics, r-mzr, r-affyio, r-affy, r-vsn, r-mzid, r-pcamethods, r-msnbase, r-msnid, r-preprocesscore Because these Bioconductor packages strongly depend on each other's versions, I'd like to update them all in one go (in separate patches of course..). May I proceed with this mass-update? Kind regards, Roel Janssen