I recently migrated from debian to guixsd. I was shocked to see there was neither iceweasel nor icedove available. This is frustrating as they are commonly used programs on gnu/linux systems.
After a through research, I understood that there are some freedom issues. The available patches at parabola seems complicated. Then I came across the following in the SearX search:
Iceweasel-UXP: https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id=en:project:iceweasel-uxp
Icedove-UXP: https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id=en:project:icedove-uxp
They both are FSDG compliant and has good security+privacy focus. Can someone please package these as soon as possible (I would have done it if I could). Will be very useful for other migrators to guix as well.

Look, I understand that you guix people are working hard. To be honest, you people have done a great job. The uniqueness of guix is intriguing. At the same time, you people have to think about new users as well and understand their perspective. I have read some mails in the mail lists. Asking the new users to package what they want and suggesting alternative applications; is like passively showing middle finger to them. They (including me) have not only have to adopt to new environment; also have to work with unfamiliar applications? Come on, that's way too much. So please, please consider at least including these two apps in guix.
New Guix User.