On 10-10-2022 18:18, Mehmet Tekman wrote: > Sorry for the message duplication, it's the default with my email provider. > > If "guix shell -D guix --pure" is included in the new version of the > manual, then I'm more than happy to drop my suggestion. > Thanks for the extra context, and the general tips! If you do "guix shell -D guix --pure", you are using --pure, and consequently "guix git authenticate" and "make authenticate" will fail, contrary to what you seem to want. My proposal was: > I suppose removing --pure (from the manual) might solve this problem. > However, --pure appears to have been added for a reason > (commit 43ec98ef3025f67ff4f66b7da0bcb79a6f088042), so I expect the solution is to rephrase things somehow (maybe something about running "guix git authenticate" outside "guix shell -D guix"). Greetings, Maxime.