
On 2018-11-04 18:54, Laura Lazzati wrote:

Did your export

export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale" from somewhere?

I tried to solve it when i first installed guix, but then did not mind anymore.

Could you send me the output of your environment?


$ cat .bash_profile (there should not be any environment variables exported from .bashrc)

I have .profile and .bashrc does not  have exported env variables:

According to this your ~.profile was not sourced when you logged in (GUIX_LOCPATH is not defined in your environment)

This is the cause of you seeing the message.

I suggest you either try fixing this yourself by moving your variables to .bash_profile or ask on an ubuntu forum or search the net for an answer how to make ubuntu source your variables correctly.
