Hi, It's February 14, I Love Free Software Day[1]. Instead of the usual bug report, feature request or some other form of complaint, today I would like to show some gratitude. :-) I wish to thank the Guix community for pouring so much of their free time into making Guix as great as it is today. I would like to thank the Guix community for being a warm and welcoming crowd. I joined the community as a newbie who knew very little. And, if I have stayed this long, it is only because of the friendly and amicable culture of the Guix community. I want to thank our packagers who take on the enormous task of packaging all known software in the universe and the often Sisyphean task of maintaining all those packages. Even more so, I would like to thank our selfless patch reviewers who take on the unglamorous work of reviewing the ever increasing torrent of patches Guix receives these days. Hope to meet you all in person some day! :-) Thank you! Arun. [1]: https://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/