Hi, now that guix deploy is making good progress, I wonder about "complex" system examples, like setting up a full-stack nextcloud server. For the background: I'm using debops [1] a lot, which is a collection of integrated Ansible roles. For examples there are roles for setting up ferm (an iptables firewall), nginx, php, databases and even nextcloud/owncloud. So for installing a nextcloud system including Lets' Encrypt certificates, one only defines some variables and runs a prepared Ansible playbook. The playbook will take care of passing variables around from one role to another. E.g. nginx is configured to use an "upstream" to php, which itself is configured to use the nextcloud code, and the firewall is configured to allow port 80 and 443. This not only installs the software and generates config files, but also runs setups, generates passwords, initializes databases, etc. So I'm wondering whether anyone is using guix for this kind of system-setup in a flexible manner and whetehr one could share some examples. Thanks in advance. [1] https://debops.org -- Regards Hartmut Goebel | Hartmut Goebel | h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com | | www.crazy-compilers.com | compilers which you thought are impossible |