Hi Guix, I spent a few hours trying to get texi2pdf working on a simple tex file: ``` \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} \title{\bfseries\Huge My Name} \author{me@me.com} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \end{document} ``` I tried installing a bunch of tex packages to get this to compile, but I kept getting errors about fonts not being found: ``` texlive-generic-pdftex texlive-bin texlive-latex-xkeyval texlive-fonts- latex texlive-fonts-ec texlive-latex-mflogo texlive-latex-type1cm texinfo texlive-ae texlive-txfonts texlive-cm-super texlive-fontinst texlive-graphics-def texlive-kpathsea texlive-latex-psnfss texlive- latexconfig texlive-metafont-base texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-pdfx texlive-latex-pgf texlive-latex-geometry texlive-latex-graphics ``` I tried this for example: ``` guix environment -C --ad-hoc texlive-fonts-ec texlive-tex-texinfo texlive-generic-epsf texinfo coreutils sed texlive-bin grep texlive- latex-base tar texlive-latex-graphics texlive-latex-geometry texi2pdf my_tex_file.tex ``` It was not until I installed the "texlive" package that I manged to compile the .tex file. I found that the following are the minimum packages required to compile a simple latex file into pdf: ``` guix environment -C --ad-hoc texinfo coreutils sed grep tar texlive diffutils ``` Maybe this would be straight forward to some users but it took me some time to figure out which packages are needed since I don't know much about latex. I found a lot of information about how to install the fonts on other distros when I searched online, but for guix I had to experiment on my own, so maybe this information should be mentioned somewhere, maybe a blog post? Or maybe someone will stumble on this post. Anyway, just posting my findings :-)