Greetings Guix, I'd like to improve the experience of installing Neovim plugins/add-ons with Guix. I've submitted #48112 [0] which adds an XDG_DATA_DIRS search path so nvim (the Neovim executable name) will be able to find plugins installed by guix at …/share/nvim/site. Currently, we only have one such package, neovim-syntastic. I'd like to add more. Many plugins are compatible with both vim and nvim. However, they search for plugins at different paths. Therefore, the vim-syntastic and neovim-syntastic packages, which use the copy-build-system, differ only in the destination directories of the install-plan (and changing "Vim" to "Neovim" in the description). My initial inclination is to remove the duplication of maintaining two install-plans (and other arguments) by creating a procedure that would take as input a Vim package that uses copy-build-system and output a Neovim package with the install-plan re-written. Perhaps that solution would be overwrought. How would you recommend handling this situation? [0] Best, Jack