;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU ;;; Copyright © 2017 Peter Mikkelsen ;;; Copyright © 2019 Ricardo Wurmus ;;; Copyright © 2020 Ludovic Courtès ;;; Copyright © 2022 Bruno Victal ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see . (define-module (gnu services audio) #:use-module (guix gexp) #:use-module (gnu services) #:use-module (gnu services configuration) #:use-module (gnu services shepherd) #:use-module (gnu system shadow) #:use-module (gnu packages admin) #:use-module (gnu packages mpd) #:use-module (guix records) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:export (mpd-output mpd-output? mpd-configuration mpd-configuration? mpd-service-type mympd-service-type mympd-configuration)) ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Audio related services ;;; ;;; Code: (define-record-type* mpd-output make-mpd-output mpd-output? (type mpd-output-type (default "pulse")) (name mpd-output-name (default "MPD")) (enabled? mpd-output-enabled? (default #t)) (tags? mpd-output-tags? (default #t)) (always-on? mpd-output-always-on? (default #f)) (mixer-type mpd-output-mixer-type ;; valid: hardware, software, null, none (default #f)) (extra-options mpd-output-extra-options (default '()))) (define-record-type* mpd-configuration make-mpd-configuration mpd-configuration? (user mpd-configuration-user (default "mpd")) (music-dir mpd-configuration-music-dir (default "~/Music")) (playlist-dir mpd-configuration-playlist-dir (default "~/.mpd/playlists")) (db-file mpd-configuration-db-file (default "~/.mpd/tag_cache")) (state-file mpd-configuration-state-file (default "~/.mpd/state")) (sticker-file mpd-configuration-sticker-file (default "~/.mpd/sticker.sql")) (port mpd-configuration-port (default "6600")) (address mpd-configuration-address (default "any")) (outputs mpd-configuration-outputs (default (list (mpd-output))))) (define (mpd-output->string output) "Convert the OUTPUT of type to a configuration file snippet." (let ((extra (string-join (map (match-lambda ((key . value) (format #f " ~a \"~a\"" (string-map (lambda (c) (if (char=? c #\-) #\_ c)) (symbol->string key)) value))) (mpd-output-extra-options output)) "\n"))) (format #f "\ audio_output { type \"~a\" name \"~a\" ~:[ enabled \"no\"~%~;~]\ ~:[ tags \"no\"~%~;~]\ ~:[~; always_on \"yes\"~%~]\ ~@[ mixer_type \"~a\"~%~]\ ~a~%}~%" (mpd-output-type output) (mpd-output-name output) (mpd-output-enabled? output) (mpd-output-tags? output) (mpd-output-always-on? output) (mpd-output-mixer-type output) extra))) (define (mpd-config->file config) (apply mixed-text-file "mpd.conf" "pid_file \"" (mpd-file-name config "pid") "\"\n" (append (map mpd-output->string (mpd-configuration-outputs config)) (map (match-lambda ((config-name config-val) (string-append config-name " \"" (config-val config) "\"\n"))) `(("user" ,mpd-configuration-user) ("music_directory" ,mpd-configuration-music-dir) ("playlist_directory" ,mpd-configuration-playlist-dir) ("db_file" ,mpd-configuration-db-file) ("state_file" ,mpd-configuration-state-file) ("sticker_file" ,mpd-configuration-sticker-file) ("port" ,mpd-configuration-port) ("bind_to_address" ,mpd-configuration-address)))))) (define (mpd-file-name config file) "Return a path in /var/run/mpd/ that is writable by @code{user} from @code{config}." (string-append "/var/run/mpd/" (mpd-configuration-user config) "/" file)) (define (mpd-shepherd-service config) (shepherd-service (documentation "Run the MPD (Music Player Daemon)") (requirement '(user-processes)) (provision '(mpd)) (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor (list #$(file-append mpd "/bin/mpd") "--no-daemon" #$(mpd-config->file config)) #:environment-variables ;; Required to detect PulseAudio when run under a user account. (list (string-append "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/" (number->string (passwd:uid (getpwnam #$(mpd-configuration-user config)))))) #:log-file #$(mpd-file-name config "log"))) (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))) (define (mpd-service-activation config) (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils)) #~(begin (use-modules (guix build utils)) (define %user (getpw #$(mpd-configuration-user config))) (let ((directory #$(mpd-file-name config ".mpd"))) (mkdir-p directory) (chown directory (passwd:uid %user) (passwd:gid %user)) ;; Make /var/run/mpd/USER user-owned as well. (chown (dirname directory) (passwd:uid %user) (passwd:gid %user)))))) (define %mpd-accounts ;; Default account and group for MPD. (list (user-group (name "mpd") (system? #t)) (user-account (name "mpd") (group "mpd") (system? #t) (comment "Music Player Daemon (MPD) user") ;; Note: /var/run/mpd hosts one sub-directory per user, of which ;; /var/run/mpd/mpd corresponds to the "mpd" user. (home-directory "/var/run/mpd/mpd") (shell (file-append shadow "/sbin/nologin"))))) (define mpd-service-type (service-type (name 'mpd) (description "Run the Music Player Daemon (MPD).") (extensions (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type (compose list mpd-shepherd-service)) (service-extension account-service-type (const %mpd-accounts)) (service-extension activation-service-type mpd-service-activation))) (default-value (mpd-configuration)))) (define (comma-separated-string-list? value) (and (list? value) (and-map (lambda (x) (and (string? x) (not (string-index x #\,)))) value))) (define mympd-field-to-env (match-lambda ('acl "MYMPD_ACL") ('covercache-ttl "MYMPD_COVERCACHE_KEEP_DAYS") ('host "MYMPD_HTTP_HOST") ('port "MYMPD_HTTP_PORT") ('loglevel "MYMPD_LOGLEVEL") ('lualibs "MYMPD_LUALIBS") ('script-acl "MYMPD_SCRIPTACL") ('ssl? "MYMPD_SSL") ('ssl-port "MYMPD_SSL_PORT") ('ssl-cert "MYMPD_SSL_CERT") ('ssl-key "MYMPD_SSL_KEY"))) (define (mympd-serialize-string field-name value) (string-join (list (mympd-field-to-env field-name) value) "=")) (define (mympd-serialize-number field-name value) (mympd-serialize-string field-name (number->string value))) (define (mympd-serialize-boolean field-name value) (mympd-serialize-string field-name (if value "true" "false"))) (define (mympd-serialize-comma-separated-string-list field-name value) (mympd-serialize-string field-name (string-join value ","))) (define (mympd-serialize-configuration config fields) (remove string-null? (map (lambda (field) ((configuration-field-serializer field) (configuration-field-name field) ((configuration-field-getter field) config))) (filter-configuration-fields fields '(package user group work-directory cache-directory) #t)))) (define-maybe string (prefix mympd-)) (define-maybe comma-separated-string-list (prefix mympd-)) (define-configuration mympd-configuration (package (file-like mympd) "The package object of the myMPD server." empty-serializer) (user (string "mympd") "Owner of the @code{mympd} process." empty-serializer) (group (string "nogroup") "Owner's group of the @code{mympd} process." empty-serializer) (work-directory (string "/var/lib/mympd") "Where myMPD will store its data." empty-serializer) (cache-directory (string "/var/cache/mympd") "Where myMPD will store its cache." empty-serializer) (acl maybe-comma-separated-string-list "ACL to access the myMPD webserver. See @uref{https://jcorporation.github.io/myMPD/configuration/acl,myMPD ACL} for syntax.") (covercache-ttl (number 31) "How long to keep cached covers. Setting to @code{0} disables caching.") (host (string "[::]") "Host name to listen on.") (port (number 80) "Port to listen on.") (loglevel (number 5) "Log level to output logs, possible values: @code{0} to @code{7}.") (lualibs (string "all") "See @url{https://jcorporation.github.io/myMPD/scripting/#lua-standard-libraries}.") (script-acl (comma-separated-string-list '("+")) "ACL to access the myMPD script backend.") (ssl? (boolean #f) "SSL/TLS support") (ssl-port (number 443) "Port to listen for HTTPS.") (ssl-cert maybe-string "Path to PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS certificate (public key).") (ssl-key maybe-string "Path to PEM encoded SSL/TLS private key.") (prefix mympd-)) (define (mympd-activation config) (match-record config (user work-directory cache-directory) #~(begin (use-modules (guix build utils)) (let* ((pw (getpwnam #$user)) (uid (passwd:uid pw)) (gid (passwd:gid pw))) (for-each (lambda (dir) (mkdir-p dir) (chown dir uid gid)) (list #$work-directory #$cache-directory))) ;; remove stale config (let ((config-directory #$(string-append work-directory "/config"))) (when (file-exists? config-directory) (delete-file-recursively config-directory)))))) (define (mympd-shepherd-service config) (match-record config (user work-directory cache-directory) (shepherd-service (documentation "Run the myMPD daemon.") (requirement '(loopback user-processes)) (provision '(mympd)) (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor (list #$(file-append mympd "/bin/mympd") "--user" #$user "--workdir" #$work-directory "--cachedir" #$cache-directory) #:environment-variables '#$(mympd-serialize-configuration config mympd-configuration-fields) #:log-file "/var/log/mympd.log")) (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))))) (define (mympd-accounts config) (match-record config (user group) (list (user-group (name group) (system? #t)) (user-account (name user) (group group) (system? #t) (comment "myMPD user") (home-directory "/var/empty") (shell (file-append shadow "/sbin/nologin")))))) (define mympd-service-type (service-type (name 'mympd) (extensions (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type (compose list mympd-shepherd-service)) (service-extension account-service-type mympd-accounts) (service-extension activation-service-type mympd-activation))) (description "Run myMPD, a frontend for MPD. (Music Player Daemon)") (default-value (mympd-configuration))))