Hello Guix, I would like to inquire what is the proper channel to ask for a patch review and how long should one wait before doing so. Bit of backstory: At the beginning of the August 2023 I sent a patch to the mailing list. However it had no interaction at all (well, one user tried it and deemed it working and useful). So I am unsure what to do about it and how to push it forward. What I tried so far: 1) Asking on the IRC (2x). Once I even got a review, but from a non-committer. 2) Sending email directly to the main author of the edited source file. No response. Technically I even mentioned it to the main author directly in person, but it was at a conference, so I can hardly blame them for it just slipping by. :) Just to be completely clear, I do not feel entitled to a review. If there is no interest (from Guix), that is fine and within your rights. But I realized there is a mistake in the patch (code is fine, commit message is off), and before I spent more time on it, I would like to know if it even makes sense to send v2. I assume it will just sit in the same void, therefore this inquiry. Thank you and have a nice 2024, Tomas Volf PS: This patch being ignored was the last push I needed to start my personal fork, so technically I should be grateful I guess, but still, I would like to diverge as little as possible. -- There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.