Hi all, Previous discussion suggested that Guix (the package manager) could not be included in Debian (and therefore derivatives) due to technical policy. As a Debian-derivative user (PureOS and sometimes Ubuntu) I'd still like a convenient way to try out and recommend Guix to others. That is, more convenient than the (very thorough) instructions at https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Binary-Installation.html I think this hinges on how to get updates once Guix is installed. If Guix can perform updates itself (including system re-configuration as required), then a one-off first-time script for Debian-based systems would be sufficient. I'm going to (slowly) try my hand at this as time permits. But, if Guix can't update itself or can't perform configuration changes on a parent Debian system (should the need arise), then a deb package is definitely more suitable. Delivering it in a deb repository (rather than just offering a deb file to download) would be best, because then users would get updates easily. For the user it would be as simple as this... sudo add-apt-repository 'deb https://magical.unicorn/repos/guix stable main' # maybe some command here for a key sudo apt update sudo apt install guix Of course, someone would need to keep packaging guix as a deb, build the debs and push them to https://magical.unicorn/repos -- it wasn't clear to me if this kind of effort is feasible? Regards, David