I don't know if we currently have a top level Makefile target to build
the manual only, but simply make-ing in the source tree rebuilds the
manual. I believe that is the simplest
way to test changes.
I tried to explain what I did on IRC. In the end I just git pulled and got the new version of the guix.texi file.
Ran make again in the source tree - helped me to recall some useful Makefile concepts. And added just the few cindex again, they are not many, but to check that I learned texinfo.
Then, since in guix.info website I had the full html version, ran:
makeinfo --html --nosplit guix.texi and got a similar html file that looked similar to the original one, nut with the index entries updated.
And I don't know if I should write this in guix-devel, there is a bug list - it's almost my time to go to bed, but I recall seing it  - where I was mentioning that in guix.info site the references to documentation have html_node in their path and they return a 404 not found when clicking them. Tomorrow I will try to send the patch.
I have some questions to ask you:
1) I got an Ourteachy reminder about recording my Application form. I guess it was just a reminder, but please let me know if it you got it.
2) I was suggested to have at least for a my foreing distro and guix package manager an aws account, in case something happens to my computer. I don't know if it is accepted by the community.
3) Is it OK if I write daily telling you what I will be doing/ did that day, and what I am learning if the number of contributions don't count that much? Maybe it is more useful that.
