On Wed Feb 18 2015 at 12:29:43 AM Luis Felipe López Acevedo < felipe.lopez@openmailbox.org> wrote: > Hi, > > Here is a revision of the last website mockup [1]. > > White header > http://sirgazil.bitbucket.org/static/temp/img/guixsd/home- > view-white-rev1.png +1 > Black header > http://sirgazil.bitbucket.org/static/temp/img/guixsd/home- > view-black-rev1.png > > Adam Pribyl commented, "The other thing is that the page design > outperforms the state of the distribution - sorry to say that, but while > page feel very user friendly, the distribution has a way to go..." [2] > > I understand Adam's worry, but I think that a global message box could > be used to warn the readers: > > http://sirgazil.bitbucket.org/static/temp/img/guixsd/alpha-message.png > > Or, instead of the global message box, the same message could be used in > the Download page. > What do you think? > I'm not sure. + Alpha software is alpha software and should be understood as such. + The message blend nicely with the page and also invite the user to join the project, so it can be a better option than alpha alone which can be understood as it's fully broken, with no support and it will delete all your data including connected usb devices... Thanks. > > [1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2015-02/msg00450.html > [2] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2015-02/msg00482.html > > > -- > Luis Felipe López Acevedo > http://sirgazil.bitbucket.org/ > > > >