2017-02-26 20:02 GMT+01:00 Christopher Allan Webber <cwebber@dustycloud.org>:
Pjotr Prins writes:

> I submitted my first patch on debbugs. It is a fairly trivial one for
> speedtest-cli which I need because I move around so much ;)

Yes, this writeup is way cool

A great reference !

Thank you Pjotr !

BUT ! ;-)

In asking for directions I was referring to the workflow in using the debbugs-emacs thing, how to save a patch locally when receiving it on the mailing list, how to apply it

The way I found is a tiny button in the toolbar that saves a patch locally.

But is there anymore to know ? or example, does the debbugs-emacs thing offer a way to apply a patch to a branch ?

Thanks again !