Jelle Licht <jlicht@fsfe.org> skribis:
> On Ludo's advice, I snarfed Ricardo's recursive importer and bolted it
> on my npm importer. After leaving the importer running for a quite
> some hours (and making it more robust in the face of inconsistent npm
> information), it turns out that jQuery has a direct or indirect
> dependcy on about everything. We are talking pretty much all of the
> build systems, all of the testing frameworks and all of the test
> runners. Literally thousands of packages, and multiple (conflicting)
> versions of most.
I’m really impressed that your importer can already grovel this much!
In itself, that’s already a significant achievement, despite the
frustration of not getting “guix package -i jquery” right away.
Do you have figures on the number of vertices and edges on this graph?
Could it be that the recursive importer keeps revisiting the same nodes
over and over again? :-)
I would suggest publishing the code somewhere so others can try to
import their favorite JS library and give feedback.
> I am currently hovering between version 0.6 and 0.7, which can
> properly recompile itself and slightly more contemporary
> version. Getting to version 1.6 from June 2013 should be doable using
> this exact same approach. This will allow us to package a 2014
> version of the Mocha testing framework.