2017-07-21 1:39 GMT+02:00 Quiliro Ordonez Baca <quiliro@riseup.net>:

> Quiliro Ordonez Baca <quiliro@riseup.net> writes:
>> I spoke with the director of a technical school (small universtity) that
>> offers degrees in computer science. He said he could establish collaboration in
>> free software projects as part of the syllabus for the students. I could ask
>> them to contribute to Guix.
>> What tasks should I ask them to do? They
>> must collaborate between 80, 120 and 800 hours before graduating,
>> depending on their area of study. There are students of languages
>> too. Perhaps they can add the descriptions to the packages. Maybe
>> editorial contributions to the manual or contributing to the
>> translations.  Descriptions could indeed be translated:
>> LANG=fr_FR.utf-8 guix package --show=hello
>> We could also ask them to have a hydra mirror or another server for
>> Guix.
>> It would be nice to have a list of TODO tasks...with knowledge
>> dependencies specified in order to have them done by contributors. I
>> think that easy tasks are a great way to help motivate people to learn
>> more in order to contribute with the harder tasks later. Is there a
>> place where tasks are described?

Alex Vong <alexvong1995@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I cannot speak for others on what are most needed in Guix. But here is a
> page summurizing project ideas for Google Summer of Code 2017:
> <https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Guix/GSoC-2017>

Thank you very much, Alex. Will this mean that Google will provide
funding or it is just the task to take into consideration? Of course
that I think that the later is more important. But I just need to know
the considerations about the financing.

Apart from the ideas indicated above, I would like to suggest the simple task of creating new packages and new services.

It's basic but II don't know the skills leve of these students. It might be a good introduction to Guix, Guile, Scheme