2018-01-04 13:43 GMT+01:00 ng0 <ng0@n0.is>:
Rutger Helling transcribed 4.7K bytes:
> Hi ng0,
> that might be a good idea. I was disturbed to learn that SLiM
> has seemingly been abandoned since 2013
> (source: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SLiM), so lightdm might
> be a good light-weight alternative as the default display manager. Do
> you know if the lightdm process itself can run on Wayland (like GDM)?

No idea, I've never really used Wayland or Xwayland on any computer other
than my phones. I'd guess the Manual of lightdm would cover this.

This page says: "Supports different display technologies (X, Mir, Wayland ...)."

On the Arch wiki there's also a paragraph about migrating from SLIM