2018-06-08 15:49 GMT+02:00 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>:

Catonano <catonano@gmail.com> skribis:

> In this post I discuss Guix
> And I discuss Guile too
> I understand that the language is strong and I expect someone to be upset
> But I feel this is due
> Happy reading
> http://catonano.v22018025836661967.nicesrv.de/the-gnu-community.html

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!  I pretty much agree with the kind
words about the Guix group. ;-)

I didn’t know (I suppose I didn’t pay attention) to what happened to you
in Guile land, and I’m sad you experienced it and felt bad about the
whole story.

I feel that “GNU is toxic” and “Guile is toxic” are unhelpful, though.
I mean, we are GNU, and we are Guile.  GNU has its own set of problems
that we’ll have to deal with, and it’s a very big organization with its
own history etc., so improving things is difficult.  But Guile is a
small community, and I’m sure we can improve.

I agree that there's room for improvement

That's the reason why I wrote that post

I could have silently drift away and maybe move to Racket or to Pharo or to knitting fishing nets, as thousands of people have already done

I thought that in providing my cut on the Guile experience I was providing ground on which to operate

It was what I could do to help the Guile community to improve a bit.

I was maybe slightly presumptuos, yes
To me, the lesson as a Guile co-maintainer is that we should be paying
more attention in general.  I consider myself partly responsible for
this in that, although I’m still officially co-maintainer,

Ah I didn't know this
I thought you were a _former_ comantainer

Had I nown you were still a comantainer, I wold have pinged you, when the accident happened

I refrained from pinging you because I had understood that you had explicitly stripped yourself of the Guile responsibility in order to dedicate your efforts to Guix
I haven’t
been paying much attention to what’s going on on the Guile channels.  We
shouldn’t let hostile conversations like the one you experienced on
#guile through. 

Definitely. I'm glad you acnowledge this

Perhaps what we need is someone to step up and help out
with Guile?  We should all care.

Should any initiative to improve the Guile channels come out of this, I would consider this a huge success of my post 😊


Thank you,

Thank you !