Pulled, restarted. The next stop is tcsh. The tarball at ftp.astron.com s gone, replaced with more recent version...
One observation: apparently coreutils refuses to be built as root so I had to create a build user/group to give to guix-daemon.


On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> wrote:
Alexander Vorobiev <alexander.vorobiev@gmail.com> skribis:

> I have some good progress finally. I started from scratch and pulled the
> latest from git. I am now running guix-daemon as root with only one option
> --no-substitutes. The make guix-binary* ran for hours and built a lot of
> stuff (bash, gcc, perl, etc) but stumbled upon openldap which doesn't seem
> to be available at the url it wants to use:

Indeed, I’ve updated the OpenLDAP URLs.

> I tried modifying gnu/packages/openldap.scm to use correct url (
> ftp://mirror.switch.ch/mirror/OpenLDAP/openldap-release/...) but that
> didn't change anything since (I am guessing) the .drv files in store
> weren't rebuilt and still point to the old url. How do I fix that without
> rebuilding everything that it created so far?

Changing the file does have an effect, but perhaps you modified the
wrong file?  At any rate, if you git pull now and try again it should
work (and it won’t rebuild everything.)

> As a side note, would it be possible to modify the files you suggested (gnu
> packages package-management and gnu system instal) for the custom local
> state dir in such a way (through configure? scheme variable?) that it
> wouldn't be hard-coded? I am guessing any update to guix would cause my
> changes to be lost?

Since you’re working from a git checkout (right?), you can always
arrange to have your changes applied.
