Hi, I added a new channel (https://github.com/guix-science/guix-science) to ~/.config/guix/channels.scm and did a guix pull. However, when I am trying to install a package from the new channel I am not able to install it. guix pull lists the package defined in the additional channel. I am wondering if there is a way to specify the package from a specific channel defined in channels.scm. Here is my channels.scm #+begin_src guile :tangle channels.scm (cons ;; channel: guix-science (channel (name 'guix-science) (url "https://github.com/guix-science/guix-science.git") (introduction (make-channel-introduction "b1fe5aaff3ab48e798a4cce02f0212bc91f423dc" (openpgp-fingerprint "CA4F 8CF4 37D7 478F DA05 5FD4 4213 7701 1A37 8446")))) %default-channels) #+end_src Regards, Rohit