>> Right now, yes. If you want to help, that'd make it two. :-)
Ahh ok! I will

>> Well, actually https://translationproject.org is the real platform for the translation process, but we could define any workflow as needed, I think. We can agree about that privately or on the tp list (es@tp.org.es), if needed.

Nice! I'm will check that

>> They aren't rules, they're a synthesis of the intent behind my translations. I've shown you an actual example of perfect Spanish where the feminine (grammatical) gender can be applied to any (social) gender. As I bend a little the conventional rules in the default case, I can understand the "neo" as an misplaced joke, but I'd stay close to the facts and far from that kind of modifiers to keep the conversation on topic.

Actually I didn't try to make a joke, I tried to describe the 'new spanish rules' as that, because is not the 'conventional way' to text Spanish.
Just to be clear, I really appreciate your work and all that you have translated so far even if I consider the 'new way' to text Spanish is not correct, but its ok, Its more important have an Spanish version after all.
Then, I understand I should translate in the female (grammatical) spanish (as a rule) to keep the all the documentation with the same logic.

If in the future someone consider is better modify it to 'traditional spanish' they can update it I guess.


El mar., 30 jul. 2019 a las 20:42, Miguel (<rosen644835@gmail.com>) escribió:

El July 30, 2019 11:53:26 PM UTC, Wilson Bustos <wrbutros@gmail.com> escribió:
>El July 30, 2019 10:10:21 PM UTC, Wilson Bustos <wrbutros@gmail.com>
>>>Hello everyone!
>>>I would like to help to make guix packages,
>>I'm also reading documentation and watching videos about this.
>>>But I have some questions.
>>>1- Do you have some document which explain what means 'gender
>>>and how that works in different languages such as Spanish?
>> The use of the feminine gender as neutral in the Spanish translation
>intended as explained here:
>Thank you so much! that article resolve really well my question!

You're welcome.

>My other question is:
>Are you the only person who translate in Spanish?

Right now, yes. If you want to help, that'd make it two. :-)

>- If I help you with some parts have I to sent it to you first?

Well, actually https://translationproject.org is the real platform for the translation process, but we could define any workflow as needed, I think. We can agree about that privately or on the tp list (es@tp.org.es), if needed.

>I ask this because I'm not sure if I can apply all the logic behind the
>Spanish rules that you apply,

They aren't rules, they're a synthesis of the intent behind my translations. I've shown you an actual example of perfect Spanish where the feminine (grammatical) gender can be applied to any (social) gender. As I bend a little the conventional rules in the default case, I can understand the "neo" as an misplaced joke, but I'd stay close to the facts and far from that kind of modifiers to keep the conversation on topic.

>- This rules are also to translate the package description? or only for
>main documentation?

As I said, they aren't rules, only the reason why I did that. I think that it's up to the community to make a decision, not me. Currently, the community decision is to use gender neutral language, but it'd be a nonsense make a decision about a language you don't speak, so this interpretation is at the end up to each language speakers community.

Any thought about gender neutrality in Spanish, everybody?

Best regards,