Hi all, It has been two weeks since I started working on the project and I thought I will give you all a quick update regarding it. `build-derivation` is now using `call-with-container` and it seems to work well. `build-derivation` assumes that all the inputs needed for the derivation is already built and ready. As a next step I wanted to try and build the `inputDrvs` if the inputs are missing. I looked through the C++ code to find out how exactly this is done and I have a good understanding of it now. I plan to emulate the behaviour of the C++ code for the entire derivation building pipeline. I spent a lot of time browsing the C++ code base and had to keep going back to it often, since I had trouble keeping the C++ code flow in memory. So, I thought it would be worthwhile to write some detailed notes on the C++ daemon code base that I can refer to while coding. The notes I made can be found here: https://github.com/uniq10/gsoc-guix-notes/blob/master/daemon-notes.md If anybody find any mistakes in those notes kindly let me know. -- uniq10