2018-06-12 13:43 GMT+02:00 Fis Trivial <ybbs.daans@hotmail.com>:

Jonathan Brielmaier writes:

> Maybe you should use a different mail provider. Hotmail is known to have
> sometimes issues like this.
> On 6/12/18 1:07 PM, Fis Trivial wrote:
>> Fis Trivial writes:
>>> Please help sending this package to guix-patches list. I got blocked due
>>> to various reasons (It's not something bad, it's just I can't send it
>>> myself with contained keywords).
>> Contained keyword probably is just the name of that package.
>>> The patches is contained within
>>> package.tar.xz attached in this mail.
>>> Thanks in advance.

There are some limitations in my place. Any registered provider is
required to do the checking. Other provider like gmail requires this
package to get me connected. Hotmail is the one provider I'm positive
that won't inject advertisement in my mail. Long story short, this is my
second attempt to reply you. The last one got blocked too. Hope this
time will do the trick.


I will send it on your behalf.