Hello Laura,

Laura Lazzati <laura.lazzati.15@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2018. okt. 10., Sze 18:41):
On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 1:17 PM Björn Höfling
<bjoern.hoefling@bjoernhoefling.de> wrote:
> Hi Laura,
> On Tue, 9 Oct 2018 10:08:44 -0300
> Laura Lazzati <laura.lazzati.15@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi everyone!
> >
> > I don't know if is it OK to be telling you what I am/ I've been doing
> > these days, I kind of like doing so to have feedback, and also to let
> > you know
> This is exactly the way to go! It's good to hear where you stay, what
> you tried, where you succeeded, where you got stuck. If you get stuck,
> tell us about the paths you already tried out and why you don't get
> further alone.
Sorry for being absent for a day. After updating and upgrading my
computer, I am stuck trying to see why the sound stopped working. Yes,
this kind of thinks happen but just now?

No worries, one day off is perfectly ok, however if you did not get an answer in 3 or 4 days, then please contact us, since in that case there is some communications mistake.
Last time losing sound happened to me after a dist-upgrade in ubuntu, and turned out, that the pulseaudio package shipped with a configuration that was not compatible with the version of the binaries supplied. I ran it in the foreground, and in the startup messages or in the log I found that it could not parse the config. It can be something entirely different though. I hope this helps.

> One thing that was today on the Outreachy mentors-mailinglist: If you
> finally made a contribution, please go directly on the Outreachy
> project page, select the Guix project and formally record your
> contributions. That's important to us and for the whole Outreachy
> project to see who/how many applicants are possible candidates for a
> project.
> > I installed guix on a VM with an Ubuntu distro and it worked fine - i
> > ran some basic commands.
> >  I am trying to install GuixSD over that VM too and on bare metal -
> > don't know if this two steps are necessary, but looking at the tasks
> > for Outreachy one items says that I will be doing documentation for
> > it.
> Concerning bare metal: Guix uses 100% Free Software und thus uses the
> libre kernel, not the normal vanilla kernel. That means some binaries
> included in the vanilla kernel are stripped off. Hickups might occur,
> especially with Network, WLAN and Graphics, compared to Ubuntu.
I thought that by installing bare metal ment installing it on a VM
without any operating system. I mean, putting the ISO there. I only
have one retro PC available with no OS where I could be trying that -
it is like 13 years old, and it is not a laptop.

It is ok to skip that all together, a VM install is more than enough for now.

> As always before installing a new OS, make backups of your data and
> configurations on that machine!
> > 1) should I write, at least for myself, the problems I've been
> > encountering in the whole process of doing everything?
> Yes, very good! I do that for myself too. It leads to good, reproducible
> bug reports, bug fixes, documentation fixes, blog entries and could also
> be used as a starting point for a screenplay for the videos.
Love doing this kind of things.
> Björn
Best regards,