Hello Björn,

2019. febr. 21., Cs 8:22 dátummal Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefling@bjoernhoefling.de> ezt írta:
On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 07:29:56 +0100
Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefling@bjoernhoefling.de> wrote:

> I think I did all of my reviewing-homework and will now look at the
> Makefile/repository.

Just trying to rebuild the videos with the existing Makefiles/scripts
takes me longer than expected, I'm making progress only slowly. I will
go on looking into these, but maybe we should put the scripts not as
polished as I would like into the repository and later concentrate on
a Guile-solution?
That would be ok. I also believe that finally we might have some kind of hybrid solution, I will look into this later.
