Hey Guix, I think we should seriously consider having a user forum similar to Debian's User Forum or Nixos' Discourse. As of now, it's a bit difficult for beginners to find answers to their problems in the mailing list or in IRC logs as they aren't very easy to navigate compared to forum threads. Seeing the situation with RHEL, I think now's the perfect time for us to acquire new HPC/stability-oriented users in particular, and I believe that most of them would not be very IRC/mailing list-savvy either. It would also immensely help to have community discussions and other forms of information concentrated in one location instead of split over the IRC and the mailing list. If we are to go ahead with making a forum, I think I'm speaking for a lot of people here when I say that I don't want a forum that cannot be used without Javascript or cannot be built/deployed with Guix. Given these constraints, Discourse is not a good option as it does not build on Guix. phpBB and SMF are two good options we could look into, although they look a little dated compared to discourse. Flarum might also be worth looking into, but I am not sure if it will build properly on Guix. Software suggestions as well as thoughts on this idea would be greatly appreciated! Regards, Sarthak.