Hi Theodoros, On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 1:12 PM Theodoros Foradis < theodoros.for@openmailbox.org> wrote: > > Petter writes: > > > Hi, > > > > Some new users don't run `guix pull` before installing, and can have a > > less good experience because of this. Proposing a patch to add this to > > the manual. > > > > Thanks, > > Petter > > Just a sidenote here, that I mentioned in #guix irc channel the other > time. I tried to `guix pull` from the 0.11 USB installer, and it would > fail because some package couldn't be substituted, > module-import-compiled if I recall correctly. > > Guix suggested as normal, that `--fallback` flag should be used, which > is a non-accepted flag for `guix pull`. I had to `guix system init > --fallback`, until that package was built, and then `guix pull`. Not > having run `guix pull`, building from source was failing anyway. Last week I tried to follow the manual (binary install with Ubuntu) and use `guix pull` without success, `--fallback` option was there and I had a lot of troubles with [module-import-compiled]( https://gist.github.com/helios/6d13037a7ae7be40f118573545cbccb3) In #guix irc I found valuable helps (cbaines, rekado) and I ended up using the git source git clone --recurse git://git.savannah.gnu.org/guix.git cd guix guix environment --fallback --pure --container -N guix --ad-hoc guile-cairo guile-charting guile-rsvg -- sh -c "make clean; ./bootstrap && ./configure --localstatedir=/var && make -j4" ln -s ~/guix ~/.config/guix/latest guix package -u maybe the git/source install should be documented as well or at least tested from scratch for newbies such as me. -- Ra