Hello Giovanni,

I get that you really don't find the web based workflow to bring enough advantages to justify the migration, but first please consider the picture that Katherine sent and that we are evaluating the adequateness of the email medium as a FOSS contribution management tool over email.

If we lower the bar for contributions more people are gonna be invested in Guix and will have interest in becoming committer and reviewer. My impression today is not that there aren't enough resources to cover reviews, the bottleneck is the total time that committers are able to dedicate to reviewing (potentially re-reviewing if some other non-committer contributor has already done a first review) and actually commiting changes.

I have many contributions opened more than a year ago where (sometimes also because of me obviously, we're all working after work here) the interactions on the issue are separated by many weeks, sometimes even months.

To ease that bottleneck we just need to give more time to committers or to increase the number of committers. All the automation and process changes we evaluate should be focused on either one of this two goals. I don't have evidence that any web forge will help (maybe someone has?), but I wouldn't throw it out of the window just because it does not ease the current review process.

