Hi Guix, in the XFCE panel there is an item called “Action Buttons” offering screen locking, log out, switch user, shutdown and reboot. Shutdown and reboot do not work at the moment. I investigated a little and came up with a configuration in which these two features do work. First I had to patch our xfce-session package. Upower is checked for at configure time and needed for shutdown and reboot. Polkit’s “pkexec” is required to run the shutdown helper. The helper contains a bunch of hardcoded paths to /sbin/shutdown, which are replaced in a build phase — not in a snippet because eventually we should also fix the paths to pm-{suspend,hibernate}, which would be provided by an input that is currently not present(?). I also needed to change my system configuration to add “pkexec” to the list of setuid programs: (setuid-programs (cons #~(string-append #$polkit "/bin/pkexec") %setuid-programs)) Maybe this should just be added to %setuid-programs? Is it okay to use /run/setuid-programs/pkexec in the shutdown helper or should this rather be a reference to the polkit input? Here’s the patch: