This is inelegant, but better than broken software IMO. WDYT? > It would be good to find a better solution to this more general problem. > Ideally, it would be good to remind the user about 'native-search-paths' > for all *run-time* dependencies of the packages in the user's profile. > Things get messy in a different way when your packages are split between > your user profile and the system profile. I'm not sure yet how to solve > the more general problem. That’s something we might be able to do, indeed, and it sounds good. Technically, populating ’s ‘search-paths’ fields with search paths of the *run-time* dependencies may be difficult: We could get the information on run-time deps in the derivation that builds the manifest (via #:references-graph), but then that derivation would need to know all the possible search paths (that is, those of the build-time dependencies) so that it can select the subset of search paths corresponding to run-time dependencies. Needs more thought. Thanks, Ludo’.