Hi Léo, As you know, I'm still investigating why the powerpc64-linux bootstrap binaries (really just GCC) are not reproducible [1]. Eventually, if we can't figure it out, we might want to just bite the bullet and use the non-reproducible bootstrap binaries to get started, but I'm hopeful we can figure it out and have at least two different people build the same binaries before doing that. The investigation is slow, partially because building things without substitutes is very slow (iteration time is in hours or days). In the meantime, I understand you've been continuing to work on building more powerpc64-linux packages on top of your own bootstrap binaries [2]. I also understand you've had some trouble setting up Cuirass on your POWER9 PC. I'd like to help (and invite others to help, if they want), but I'm not sure what the current status is. Is Cuirass still not working? I checked your POWER9 Gentoo VM, and I saw that Cuirass is not currently running. Which branches in your Git repository are still relevant? My understanding is that only the following branches in your repo might currently contain changes we would want to upstream into Guix: - master: the first attempts you made. - wip-lle-bout-be1: your more recent attempts. Do you think we should we try adding powerpc64le-linux? Since the powerpc64-linux bootstrap binaries are not reproducible, I see no reason to expect that the powerpc64le-linux binaries would be reproducible, either, but you never know. Maybe it's worth a try. Is there something else I can help you with? I will have time while waiting for long builds to finish, but please forgive me if my progress is slow. Life is busy. Slowly but surely, we can make progress, and hopefully we can keep collaborating to make it happen! Footnotes: [1] https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=41669 [2] https://gitlab.com/lle-bout/guix -- Chris