Hi! I'm having problems with 'guix import' in my environment: $guix import hackage -t ghc-events Syntax error: unexpected token : common (at line 44, column 0) Syntax error: unexpected end of input guix import: error: failed to download cabal file for package 'ghc-events' so I cloned guix, and: guix environment guix --pure --ad-hoc help2man git strace --container make check TESTS=tests/hackage.scm (I need to add --container for a problem that I address in another email, can be ignored) I found that two tests are failing with similar error: Syntax error: unexpected token : (ghc-options (-Wall)) (at line 11, column 2) Syntax error: unexpected end of input ;;; (fail #f #f) test-name: hackage->guix-package test mixed layout location: ./tests/hackage.scm:295 source: + (test-assert + "hackage->guix-package test mixed layout" + (eval-test-with-cabal + test-cabal-mixed-layout + match-ghc-foo)) actual-value: #f result: XFAIL Syntax error: unexpected token : (buildable (False)) (at line 12, column 4) Syntax error: unexpected end of input ;;; (fail #f #f) test-name: hackage->guix-package test flag executable location: ./tests/hackage.scm:322 source: + (test-assert + "hackage->guix-package test flag executable" + (eval-test-with-cabal + test-cabal-flag-executable + match-ghc-foo)) actual-value: #f result: XFAIL I'm using guix 5f9b28b231e17749d14a1b95ae9cad68d7315a1e on top of and old ubuntu, with all packages upgraded. How can I start a debugger? I tried several variations of: guile -l scripts/guix and then (main '("import" "hackage" "ghc-events")) with out success. I'm interested in checking the tests and the package that fails. COD.