I think this would be a great addition to Guix. I agree that for now Guix' learning curve is pretty steep. Even when coming from rather barebone / Do-It-Yourself distributions like Gentoo / Arch. I'm not quite sure yet how to improve the experience to new users. I'd need to install it several times, with other people and for different scenarios before I can be a better judge. I know some work is being done to add an installation helper program to the install image. Dan Partelly writes: >> Also the editors included in the image are crap because they lack two important features: 1) keeping track of the damn paranteses and 2) comment and uncomment region. > > Yes. nano is crap. vi has paren matching, but doest keep tack of them . Editing lispy code with tracking of parens is not a pleasure. Note that Guix also bundles Zile which is a tad better in my opinion. Emacs would be Awesome but that would make the live image much heavier. -- Pierre Neidhardt