Hello Guix, You may have seen me post on the Guix lists, chat in #guix on freenode (as bandali), or know me from my involvement with other areas of GNU. I've been a happy user and occasional contributor to GNU Guix for some time now. As my contributions recently became more frequent, and since I'd also like to help out with reviewing and merging patches, I decided to apply for commit access to Guix, which I was kindly granted by the Guix maintainers. I'll be signing my commits with the GPG key I'm signing this email with, with the fingerprint BE62 7373 8E61 6D6D 1B3A 08E8 A21A 0202 4881 6103. You can get a copy of my key from my Savannah profile [0], or from the GNU maintainers keyring [1]. [0]: https://savannah.gnu.org/users/mab [1]: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-keyring.gpg It's been very exciting seeing how far along GNU Guix has come so far, and how it continues to grow even further. Kudos to everyone involved for their hard work, and I look forward to working with y'all on this excellent GNU system. Happy Hacking, -mab