Hullo Pierre! Pierre Neidhardt 写道: > Is there any plan to support parallel downloads? Guix already downloads sources and substitutes in parallel with other builds/downloads through the --max-jobs option. You could add a separate knob for downloads that defaults to --max-jobs. Or even (* max-jobs cores). No plans for that AFAIK. I don't think it's a trivial tweak. I'm interested in the numbers behind this claim: > Currently downloads are a bottleneck for `guix install / > upgrade`, > parallel downloads could reduce the operation duration by an > order > of magnitude. …because on a substitute-only workload, my default --max-jobs=4 connections give me 4 MiB/s versus 1.5 MiB/s on a single job. That's not even a linear increase, let alone an order of magnitude (base 2 doesn't count :-). Kind regards, T G-R