Hello Guix! It’s a bit of a non-event since we’ve been packaging and using snapshots of Cuirass all along, but nevertheless, I’m totally thrilled to announce that Cuirass 1.2.0 is out! https://guix.gnu.org/en/cuirass/ Changes since 1.1.0 (excerpt from the ‘NEWS’ file): ** Core *** Require Fibers >= 1.1.0 () *** Require Guile >= 3.0.6 *** Channels are always authenticated *** Use a database connection pool instead of a worker thread *** Now useless (cuirass watchdog) module has been removed *** (cuirass database) now uses records instead of alists for data types *** (cuirass base) rewritten as a set of actors *** ‘cuirass register’ limits the number of concurrent evaluations *** ‘cuirass register’ listens to ‘cuirass web’ on a “bridge” local socket *** Keep GC roots for derivations that are queued () *** Register a GC root for “build products” () *** Logging level can be controlled with ‘CUIRASS_LOGGING_LEVEL’ env. variable ** Database *** Allow specifications to be inactive ** Remote building *** Worker stops requesting work when disk space is too low *** Worker now asks for work as soon as it’s available *** (cuirass remote) provides a higher-level interface for messages *** ‘remote-worker’ and ‘remote-server’ are now a fiberized process *** ‘remote-worker’ defines distributes available cores among workers *** Fix memory corruption leading ‘remote-server’ to never reply *** New ‘--log-expiry’ option for ‘cuirass remote-server’ *** Fix bug that would lead ‘remote-worker’ to wrongfully report failure () *** ‘cuirass remote-worker’ periodically removes its own GC roots ** Web *** Add /admin/specification/deactivate endpoint *** Evaluation dashboard now supports filtering by build name *** Evaluation dashboard shows completion time and commits *** New /eval/latest?spec=… endpoint, linking to the latest dashboard *** Evaluation page uncluttered *** New /jobset/SPEC/hook/evaluation POST endpoint to trigger an evaluation *** Build page provides hints for failed builds *** Build page shows the build machine and/or worker ID *** New /build/ID/log endpoint, with syntax-highlighted build logs *** New ‘etc/new-client-cert.scm’ script; see “Authentication” in the manual And guess what? 1.2.0 is already running at . Enjoy the colorful build logs and all that! :-) Ludo’.