Hi! Here’s a long overdue ‘guix graph’ command (documentation below.) Comments welcome! Ludo’. 5.9 Invoking ‘guix graph’ ========================= Packages and their dependencies form a “graph”, specifically a directed acyclic graph (DAG). It can quickly become difficult to have a mental model of the package DAG, so the ‘guix graph’ command is here to provide a visual representation of the DAG. ‘guix graph’ emits a DAG representation in the input format of Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org/), so its output can be passed directly to Graphviz’s ‘dot’ command, for instance. The general syntax is: guix graph OPTIONS PACKAGE… For example, the following command generates a PDF file representing the package DAG for the GNU Core Utilities, showing its build-time dependencies: guix graph coreutils | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf The output looks like this: