Hello, I've noticed that the last released system installer [1], when using the guided install workflow, is using a LUKS1 encryption; since I would like to install on a LUKS2 encrypted root filesystem I tried to "manually" install following the instructions in the manual [2]. When using a LUKS2 encryption format [3], completing the installation and rebooting, I get an error from Grub: it cannot find the encrypted volume, it's trying to open the /unencrypted/ volume instead (via UUID), child of the LUKS2 encrypted one. If I just change the type of encryption to "luks1" in [3], the booting of the installed machine works as expected. Since I know that the LUKS2 support in Grub was not available when Guix 1.4 was released, I also tried to "guix pull && hash guix" /before/ installing with "guix system init /mnt/etc/config.scm /mnt", but the error was the same. I still have not tried to build an updated system installation image to see if it is working. Since the (stable) manual provides instructions on how to install Guix System on a LUKS2 encrypted partition [4], I'd like to understand if I'm doing something wrong or there is a bug, at least in the manual. I'm attaching the script I'm using for the "manual" installation: if I set "luks2" in the "cryptsetup luksFormat..." command /and/ uncomment the "guix pull && hash guix" commands, the installation provides an unbootable system. Sorry for the "short story made long" but my script it's a proof of concept to allow installing a Guix System starting from any (recent) rescue system (tested only with a Guix install image and a systemd rescue system, grml), that's why is so "long":