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* Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
@ 2023-10-31 11:14 Simon Tournier
  2023-11-16 15:03 ` Ludovic Courtès
                   ` (4 more replies)
  0 siblings, 5 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2023-10-31 11:14 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Guix Devel

[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 561 bytes --]


This is a proposal for implementing Request-For-Comment process.
Comment are welcome in #66844 [1]:


The proposal is highly inspired by Rust RFC:

and also by GHC Haskell proposal process [1] and Nix RFC process [2].  Based
on my understanding of Guix community interactions, I write down this
text; below the text for easing the reading.




RFC process

[-- Attachment #2: rfc.txt --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Size: 7678 bytes --]

# -*- mode:org -*-
#+TITLE: Request-For-Comment process
#+DATE: 2023-10-31

+ Issue: 66844
+ Status: pending
+ Supporter: Simon Tournier
+ Co-supporters:

* Summary

The "RFC" (request for comments) process is intended to provide a consistent
and controlled path for new features to enter the Guix project, so that all
stakeholders can be confident about the direction it is evolving in.

* Motivation

The freewheeling way that we add new features to Guix has been good for early
development, but for Guix to become a broadly used system we need to develop
some more self-discipline when it comes to changing our beloved system.  This
is a proposal for a more principled RFC process to make it a more integral
part of the overall development process, and one that is followed consistently
to introduce substancial features.

There are a number of changes that are significant enough that they could
benefit from wider community consensus before being introduced.  Either
because they introduce new concepts, big changes or are controversial enough
that not everybody will agree on the direction to take.

Therefore, the purpose of this RFC is to introduce a process that allows to
bring the discussion upfront and strengthen decisions.  This RFC is used to
bootstrap the process and further RFCs can be used to refine the process.

Note that this process does not cover most of the changes.  It covers
significant changes, for some examples:

 + change of inputs style
   (Removing input labels from package definitions, #49169)
 + introduction of =guix shell= and deprecation of =guix environment=
   (Add 'guix shell' to subsume 'guix environment', #50960)
 + introduction of authentication mechanism (Trustable "guix pull", #22883)
 + massive Python 2 removal
   (Merging the purge-python2-packages branch, mailing list guix-devel)
 + collaboration via team and branch-features
   (several places mailing list guix-devel)

* Detail design

** When you need to follow this process

This process is followed when one intends to make "substantial" changes to the
Guix project.  What constitutes a "substantial" change is evolving based on
community norms, but may include the following.

  + Any change that modifies Guix API
  + Big restructuring of packages
  + Introduction or removal of subcommands

Certain changes do not require an RFC:

  - Adding, updating packages, removing outdated packages
  - Fixing security updates and bugs that don't break interfaces

A patch submission to Debbugs that contains any of the afore-mentioned
substantial changes may be asked to first submit a RFC.

** How the process works

  1. Clone
  2. Copy rfc/ to rfc/ where good-name is
     descriptive but not too long and XY increments
  3. Fill RFC
  4. Submit to

Make sure the proposal is as well-written as you would expect the final
version of it to be.  It does not mean that all the subtilities must be
considered at this point since that is the aim of review discussion.  It means
that the RFC process is not a prospective brainstorming and the proposal
formalize an idea for making it happen.

The submission of a proposal does not require an implementation.  However, to
improve the chance of a successful RFC, it might be recommended to have an
idea for implementing it.  If an implementation is attached to the detailed
design, it might help the discussion.

At this point, at least one other person must volunteer to be "co-supporter".
The aim is to improve the chances that the RFC is both desired and likely to
be implemented.

Once supporter and co-supporter(s) are committed in the RFC process, the
review discussion starts.  Advertisement of the RFC on the mailing-lists
guix-devel is mandatory and IRC is recommended.

After a number of rounds of review, the discussion should settle and a general
consensus should emerge.  If the RFC is successful then authors may contribute
to the implementation.  This bit is left intentionally vague and should be
refined in the future.

A successful RFC is not a rubber stamp, and in particular still does not mean
the feature will ultimately be merged; it does mean that in principle all the
major stakeholders have agreed to the feature and are amenable to merging it.

An unsuccessful RFC is *not* a judgment on the value of the work, so a refusal
should rather be interpreted as “let’s discuss again with a different angle”.
The last state of an unsuccessful RFC is archived under the directory

** Co-supporter

A co-supporter is a contributor sufficiently familiar with the project’s
practices, hence it is recommended, but not mandatory, to be a contributor
with commit access.  The co-supporter helps the supporter, they are both
charged with keeping the proposal moving through the process.  The
co-supporter role is to help the proposal supporter by being the timekeeper
and helps in pushing forward until process completion.

The co-supporter doesn't necessarily have to agree with all the points of the
RFC but should generally be satisfied that the proposed additions are a good
thing for the community.

** Comment period

It is up to the supporter and co-supporter to ensure that sufficient
discussion is solicited.  Let two weeks for people to comment is a good
average.  Make sure that all have the time for expressing their comments.  The
proposal is about significant changes, thus more time is better than less.

** Decision making: consensus

It is expected from all contributors, and even more so from committers, to
help build consensus and make decisions based on consensus.  By using
consensus, we are committed to finding solutions that everyone can live with.

It implies that no decision is made against significant concerns and these
concerns are actively resolved with proposals that work for everyone.  A
contributor, without or with commit access, wishing to block a proposal bears
a special responsibility for finding alternatives, proposing ideas/code or
explaining the rationale for the status quo.

To learn what consensus decision making means and understand its finer
details, you are encouraged to read

** Merging the outcome

Whoever merges the successful RFC should do the following:

 1. Fill in the remaining metadata in the RFC header, including links for the
    original Debbugs submission.
 2. Commit everything.

** Template of RFC

The structure of the RFC is captured by the template; see the file
rfc/0000-template.txt.  It is recommended to write using markup language as,
for example, Org-mode or Markdown or reStructuredText.

** Backward Compatibility


** Drawbacks

There is a risk that the additional process will hinder contribution more than
it would help.  We should stay alert that the process is only a way to help
contribution, not an end in itself.

Of course, group decision-making processes are difficult to manage.

The ease of commenting may bring a slightly diminished signal-to-noise ratio
in collected feedback, particularly on easily bike-shedded topics.

** Open questions

There are still questions regarding the desired scope of the process.  While
we want to ensure that changes which affect the users are well-considered, we
certainly don't want the process to become unduly burdensome.  This is a
careful balance which will require care to maintain moving forward.

* Unresolved questions

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
  2023-10-31 11:14 Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation Simon Tournier
@ 2023-11-16 15:03 ` Ludovic Courtès
  2023-11-20  9:42   ` Simon Tournier
  2023-11-23  7:04 ` Efraim Flashner
                   ` (3 subsequent siblings)
  4 siblings, 1 reply; 20+ messages in thread
From: Ludovic Courtès @ 2023-11-16 15:03 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier; +Cc: Guix Devel


Simon Tournier <> skribis:

> This is a proposal for implementing Request-For-Comment process.
> Comment are welcome in #66844 [1]:
>     1:

Thanks for starting the discussion!  I think that getting such a process
in place is key to sustain friction-less development of Guix, giving
everyone a chance to have their voice heard.


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
  2023-11-16 15:03 ` Ludovic Courtès
@ 2023-11-20  9:42   ` Simon Tournier
  2023-11-22 18:17     ` Ludovic Courtès
  0 siblings, 1 reply; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2023-11-20  9:42 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Ludovic Courtès; +Cc: Guix Devel

Hi Ludo,

Thanks for giving a look.

On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 16:03, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:

> Thanks for starting the discussion!  I think that getting such a process
> in place is key to sustain friction-less development of Guix, giving
> everyone a chance to have their voice heard.

Do you have comments on the current proposal?  About points where you
think they could be improved?  As wording?  Or process?  Or else?


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
  2023-11-20  9:42   ` Simon Tournier
@ 2023-11-22 18:17     ` Ludovic Courtès
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Ludovic Courtès @ 2023-11-22 18:17 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier; +Cc: Guix Devel

Simon Tournier <> skribis:

> On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 16:03, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:
>> Thanks for starting the discussion!  I think that getting such a process
>> in place is key to sustain friction-less development of Guix, giving
>> everyone a chance to have their voice heard.
> Do you have comments on the current proposal?  About points where you
> think they could be improved?  As wording?  Or process?  Or else?

I haven’t taken the time to look at it yet but plan to do so.


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
  2023-10-31 11:14 Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation Simon Tournier
  2023-11-16 15:03 ` Ludovic Courtès
@ 2023-11-23  7:04 ` Efraim Flashner
  2023-11-28 13:34   ` Simon Tournier
  2023-12-19 12:33 ` Simon Tournier
                   ` (2 subsequent siblings)
  4 siblings, 1 reply; 20+ messages in thread
From: Efraim Flashner @ 2023-11-23  7:04 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier; +Cc: Guix Devel

[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1583 bytes --]

On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 12:14:42PM +0100, Simon Tournier wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a proposal for implementing Request-For-Comment process.
> Comment are welcome in #66844 [1]:
>     1:
> The proposal is highly inspired by Rust RFC:
> and also by GHC Haskell proposal process [1] and Nix RFC process [2].  Based
> on my understanding of Guix community interactions, I write down this
> text; below the text for easing the reading.
> Cheers,
> simon
> 1:
> 2:

I think this is a great idea and that we should implement it. Looking
through it I didn't see anything that jumped out to me as something that
needed to be changed.

Currently we have largish changes split between guix-patches and
guix-devel, with no real clear way to draw people's attention to them.
Currently I'm aware of re-arranging the go packages, splitting some of
the system services into their own modules, I'd like to add a field to
(guix platform), it'd be good to formalize some of these processes to
make it clearer about what's expected and what's going on.

Actually, in terms of suggestions, I'd add the rfc/ folder in
etc/teams.scm to set guix-devel as one of the team members.

Efraim Flashner   <>   רנשלפ םירפא
GPG key = A28B F40C 3E55 1372 662D  14F7 41AA E7DC CA3D 8351
Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed on emails sent or received unencrypted

[-- Attachment #2: signature.asc --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 833 bytes --]

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
  2023-11-23  7:04 ` Efraim Flashner
@ 2023-11-28 13:34   ` Simon Tournier
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2023-11-28 13:34 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Efraim Flashner; +Cc: Guix Devel

Hi Efraim,

Thnaks for your comments.

On Thu, 23 Nov 2023 at 09:04, Efraim Flashner <> wrote:

> Actually, in terms of suggestions, I'd add the rfc/ folder in
> etc/teams.scm to set guix-devel as one of the team members.

Good idea!


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
  2023-10-31 11:14 Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation Simon Tournier
  2023-11-16 15:03 ` Ludovic Courtès
  2023-11-23  7:04 ` Efraim Flashner
@ 2023-12-19 12:33 ` Simon Tournier
  2023-12-20 11:49   ` Ricardo Wurmus
  2024-02-03 10:34 ` [post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process) Simon Tournier
  2025-01-03 18:38 ` Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5) Simon Tournier
  4 siblings, 1 reply; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2023-12-19 12:33 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Guix Devel


Well, more than 7 weeks later… Hum, does it mean that the Guix project
is not interested in formalizing some RFC?

WDYT about the proposal?

On Tue, 31 Oct 2023 at 12:14, Simon Tournier <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a proposal for implementing Request-For-Comment process.
> Comment are welcome in #66844 [1]:
>     1:
> The proposal is highly inspired by Rust RFC:
> and also by GHC Haskell proposal process [1] and Nix RFC process [2].  Based
> on my understanding of Guix community interactions, I write down this
> text; below the text for easing the reading.
> Cheers,
> simon
> 1:
> 2:
> --
> RFC process
> ===========
> # -*- mode:org -*-
> #+TITLE: Request-For-Comment process
> #+DATE: 2023-10-31
> + Issue: 66844
> + Status: pending
> + Supporter: Simon Tournier
> + Co-supporters:
> * Summary
> The "RFC" (request for comments) process is intended to provide a consistent
> and controlled path for new features to enter the Guix project, so that all
> stakeholders can be confident about the direction it is evolving in.
> * Motivation
> The freewheeling way that we add new features to Guix has been good for early
> development, but for Guix to become a broadly used system we need to develop
> some more self-discipline when it comes to changing our beloved system.  This
> is a proposal for a more principled RFC process to make it a more integral
> part of the overall development process, and one that is followed consistently
> to introduce substancial features.
> There are a number of changes that are significant enough that they could
> benefit from wider community consensus before being introduced.  Either
> because they introduce new concepts, big changes or are controversial enough
> that not everybody will agree on the direction to take.
> Therefore, the purpose of this RFC is to introduce a process that allows to
> bring the discussion upfront and strengthen decisions.  This RFC is used to
> bootstrap the process and further RFCs can be used to refine the process.
> Note that this process does not cover most of the changes.  It covers
> significant changes, for some examples:
>  + change of inputs style
>    (Removing input labels from package definitions, #49169)
>  + introduction of =guix shell= and deprecation of =guix environment=
>    (Add 'guix shell' to subsume 'guix environment', #50960)
>  + introduction of authentication mechanism (Trustable "guix pull", #22883)
>  + massive Python 2 removal
>    (Merging the purge-python2-packages branch, mailing list guix-devel)
>  + collaboration via team and branch-features
>    (several places mailing list guix-devel)
> * Detail design
> ** When you need to follow this process
> This process is followed when one intends to make "substantial" changes to the
> Guix project.  What constitutes a "substantial" change is evolving based on
> community norms, but may include the following.
>   + Any change that modifies Guix API
>   + Big restructuring of packages
>   + Introduction or removal of subcommands
> Certain changes do not require an RFC:
>   - Adding, updating packages, removing outdated packages
>   - Fixing security updates and bugs that don't break interfaces
> A patch submission to Debbugs that contains any of the afore-mentioned
> substantial changes may be asked to first submit a RFC.
> ** How the process works
>   1. Clone
>   2. Copy rfc/ to rfc/ where good-name is
>      descriptive but not too long and XY increments
>   3. Fill RFC
>   4. Submit to
> Make sure the proposal is as well-written as you would expect the final
> version of it to be.  It does not mean that all the subtilities must be
> considered at this point since that is the aim of review discussion.  It means
> that the RFC process is not a prospective brainstorming and the proposal
> formalize an idea for making it happen.
> The submission of a proposal does not require an implementation.  However, to
> improve the chance of a successful RFC, it might be recommended to have an
> idea for implementing it.  If an implementation is attached to the detailed
> design, it might help the discussion.
> At this point, at least one other person must volunteer to be "co-supporter".
> The aim is to improve the chances that the RFC is both desired and likely to
> be implemented.
> Once supporter and co-supporter(s) are committed in the RFC process, the
> review discussion starts.  Advertisement of the RFC on the mailing-lists
> guix-devel is mandatory and IRC is recommended.
> After a number of rounds of review, the discussion should settle and a general
> consensus should emerge.  If the RFC is successful then authors may contribute
> to the implementation.  This bit is left intentionally vague and should be
> refined in the future.
> A successful RFC is not a rubber stamp, and in particular still does not mean
> the feature will ultimately be merged; it does mean that in principle all the
> major stakeholders have agreed to the feature and are amenable to merging it.
> An unsuccessful RFC is *not* a judgment on the value of the work, so a refusal
> should rather be interpreted as “let’s discuss again with a different angle”.
> The last state of an unsuccessful RFC is archived under the directory
> rfcs/unsuccessful/.
> ** Co-supporter
> A co-supporter is a contributor sufficiently familiar with the project’s
> practices, hence it is recommended, but not mandatory, to be a contributor
> with commit access.  The co-supporter helps the supporter, they are both
> charged with keeping the proposal moving through the process.  The
> co-supporter role is to help the proposal supporter by being the timekeeper
> and helps in pushing forward until process completion.
> The co-supporter doesn't necessarily have to agree with all the points of the
> RFC but should generally be satisfied that the proposed additions are a good
> thing for the community.
> ** Comment period
> It is up to the supporter and co-supporter to ensure that sufficient
> discussion is solicited.  Let two weeks for people to comment is a good
> average.  Make sure that all have the time for expressing their comments.  The
> proposal is about significant changes, thus more time is better than less.
> ** Decision making: consensus
> It is expected from all contributors, and even more so from committers, to
> help build consensus and make decisions based on consensus.  By using
> consensus, we are committed to finding solutions that everyone can live with.
> It implies that no decision is made against significant concerns and these
> concerns are actively resolved with proposals that work for everyone.  A
> contributor, without or with commit access, wishing to block a proposal bears
> a special responsibility for finding alternatives, proposing ideas/code or
> explaining the rationale for the status quo.
> To learn what consensus decision making means and understand its finer
> details, you are encouraged to read
> <>.
> ** Merging the outcome
> Whoever merges the successful RFC should do the following:
>  1. Fill in the remaining metadata in the RFC header, including links for the
>     original Debbugs submission.
>  2. Commit everything.
> ** Template of RFC
> The structure of the RFC is captured by the template; see the file
> rfc/0000-template.txt.  It is recommended to write using markup language as,
> for example, Org-mode or Markdown or reStructuredText.
> ** Backward Compatibility
> None.
> ** Drawbacks
> There is a risk that the additional process will hinder contribution more than
> it would help.  We should stay alert that the process is only a way to help
> contribution, not an end in itself.
> Of course, group decision-making processes are difficult to manage.
> The ease of commenting may bring a slightly diminished signal-to-noise ratio
> in collected feedback, particularly on easily bike-shedded topics.
> ** Open questions
> There are still questions regarding the desired scope of the process.  While
> we want to ensure that changes which affect the users are well-considered, we
> certainly don't want the process to become unduly burdensome.  This is a
> careful balance which will require care to maintain moving forward.
> * Unresolved questions


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
  2023-12-19 12:33 ` Simon Tournier
@ 2023-12-20 11:49   ` Ricardo Wurmus
  2024-02-03 10:09     ` Simon Tournier
  0 siblings, 1 reply; 20+ messages in thread
From: Ricardo Wurmus @ 2023-12-20 11:49 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier; +Cc: guix-devel

Hi Simon,

> Well, more than 7 weeks later… Hum, does it mean that the Guix project
> is not interested in formalizing some RFC?
> WDYT about the proposal?

I just got back from travels and finally caught up with important email.
I read the proposal and it looks good to me.  Thank you for working on

This would be the first project I contribute to that has an RFC process,
so I don’t know what to look out for.  My concerns may thus be
completely out of touch with reality, so beware as you read on.

It seems to me that the exact process is a little vague, especially with
regard to how long the comment period should be, and what expectations
there are during this period.  There is a chance that the open comment
period will lead to derailing discussions of tangents that make it hard
for the submitter to answer to real issues (because it would become
increasingly difficult to read all messages).

I’m thinking of some of the big discussions on the devel list in the
past that became too big to follow, and resulted in “consensus by
attrition”.  Do you know how other projects avoid needlessly dragging on
discussions about RFCs?

Will *any* disagreement have to be addressed, or will there be an
implicit weighing of opinions?  As the project grows bigger there can be
a problem of having inexperienced contributors (or those with
qualifications that are irrelevant to the proposal) block the RFC
without malicious intent by essentially requiring to be tutored on areas
outside of their expertise.

I wouldn’t trust myself to write an RFC without having played with an
implementation first.  I have doubts whether RFCs that are written
without a proof of concept could reasonably be evaluated.  Often details
and subtle problems are discovered only when playing with a patch, and
this may happen only after an RFC has been accepted.  Can we take back
approval in this RFC process?

And lastly a typo:

* “subtilities” should probably be “subtleties”.


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation
  2023-12-20 11:49   ` Ricardo Wurmus
@ 2024-02-03 10:09     ` Simon Tournier
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2024-02-03 10:09 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Ricardo Wurmus; +Cc: guix-devel

Hi Ricardo,

On mer., 20 déc. 2023 at 12:49, Ricardo Wurmus <> wrote:

> I just got back from travels and finally caught up with important email.
> I read the proposal and it looks good to me.  Thank you for working on
> this!
> This would be the first project I contribute to that has an RFC process,
> so I don’t know what to look out for.  My concerns may thus be
> completely out of touch with reality, so beware as you read on.

Thank you for the feedback.  Much appreciated! :-)

I will address your question in another broad message.


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* [post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process)
  2023-10-31 11:14 Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation Simon Tournier
                   ` (2 preceding siblings ...)
  2023-12-19 12:33 ` Simon Tournier
@ 2024-02-03 10:34 ` Simon Tournier
  2024-02-07  8:27   ` Efraim Flashner
  2025-01-03 18:38 ` Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5) Simon Tournier
  4 siblings, 1 reply; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2024-02-03 10:34 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Guix Devel

Hi all,

I hope that the discussion we had yesterday (Friday 2nd) in Guix Days
has clarified the idea behind this proposal.

I am waiting Ludo’s notes in order to refine this proposal, integrate
many comments and/or ideas, and polish.

Thanks all participants.

The aim of the proposal is to have a process to document our processes
with the least bureaucracy as possible.  Well, Debian project is often
cited as an example (social contract, voting system, etc.).  Indeed,
however there is more bureaucracy in Debian than in French State. ;-)

Instead, let just formalize what we are already doing.

Currently, we are just adding more and more sections to the manual and
for other parts the structure for making decisions is not clear.  For
sure, it works… until now but I think it does not scale and we are
touching the limits about what can be done with this informal structure.

Let me clarify my attempt behind this “RFC proposal”.  First,
pukkamustard proposed the name “Guix Common Document” echoing “greatest
common divisor“ (gcd): the greatest common divisor of two or more
integers is the largest positive integer that divides each of the
integers – other said, that’s the larger integer in common with all.

I like it because it captures well the idea; although such different
name could be confusing from the outside.   Anyway.  That’s an
implementation detail. ;-)

Second, from my point of view, the core components of the proposal are:

 + consensus;
 + co-supporter.

Consensus, because it is how we already collaborate.  Somehow, it
changes almost nothing for our daily operations but having an explicit
formalization will help outsiders.  The definition of “consensus” is

 1. can live with;
 2. concerns are actively resolved.

Other said, the definition wording of “consensus” specifies how to avoid
being blocked by disagreements: when one wish to block a proposal then
one bears a special responsibility for finding alternatives, proposing
ideas/code or explaining the rationale for the status quo.

And to make it clear, the first idea for making decision is “voting” but
then we need to define “who” votes.  Well, this appears to me a
counter-measure against something that would be rare and this solution
does not trust in the values of our community (being welcoming,
inclusive, taking care of each other, etc. well as least, trying as much
as possible :-)).

For me, the counter-measure against an hostile takeover is somehow
captured the point #2 above.

Co-supporter, because similarly as the manual section « (guix) Reviewing
the Work of Others » [1], the aim is to cross the final line, make
progress by incremental focused improvements.  Therefore, a proposal
needs the help of someone committed to the project (long-standing
contributor, committer, etc.).

I agree that “contributor sufficiently familiar” is maybe too vague and
needs more specific examples as “contributor sufficiently familiar
(committers or people with X commits)”.  Well, that’s part refining the
proposal. :-)

Last, I think that the time-frame for discussing needs to be bounded.
Somehow this bound will help in the incremental improvement and will
avoid the trap of the perfect-as-the-first-try.

Well, let recover from these awesome Guix Days and from FOSDEM and then
resume this proposal.



^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: [post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process)
  2024-02-03 10:34 ` [post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process) Simon Tournier
@ 2024-02-07  8:27   ` Efraim Flashner
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Efraim Flashner @ 2024-02-07  8:27 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier; +Cc: Guix Devel

[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 4564 bytes --]

On Sat, Feb 03, 2024 at 11:34:13AM +0100, Simon Tournier wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope that the discussion we had yesterday (Friday 2nd) in Guix Days
> has clarified the idea behind this proposal.
> I am waiting Ludo’s notes in order to refine this proposal, integrate
> many comments and/or ideas, and polish.
> Thanks all participants.
> The aim of the proposal is to have a process to document our processes
> with the least bureaucracy as possible.  Well, Debian project is often
> cited as an example (social contract, voting system, etc.).  Indeed,
> however there is more bureaucracy in Debian than in French State. ;-)
> Instead, let just formalize what we are already doing.
> Currently, we are just adding more and more sections to the manual and
> for other parts the structure for making decisions is not clear.  For
> sure, it works… until now but I think it does not scale and we are
> touching the limits about what can be done with this informal structure.
> Let me clarify my attempt behind this “RFC proposal”.  First,
> pukkamustard proposed the name “Guix Common Document” echoing “greatest
> common divisor“ (gcd): the greatest common divisor of two or more
> integers is the largest positive integer that divides each of the
> integers – other said, that’s the larger integer in common with all.
> I like it because it captures well the idea; although such different
> name could be confusing from the outside.   Anyway.  That’s an
> implementation detail. ;-)
> Second, from my point of view, the core components of the proposal are:
>  + consensus;
>  + co-supporter.
> Consensus, because it is how we already collaborate.  Somehow, it
> changes almost nothing for our daily operations but having an explicit
> formalization will help outsiders.  The definition of “consensus” is
> twofold:
>  1. can live with;
>  2. concerns are actively resolved.
> Other said, the definition wording of “consensus” specifies how to avoid
> being blocked by disagreements: when one wish to block a proposal then
> one bears a special responsibility for finding alternatives, proposing
> ideas/code or explaining the rationale for the status quo.
> And to make it clear, the first idea for making decision is “voting” but
> then we need to define “who” votes.  Well, this appears to me a
> counter-measure against something that would be rare and this solution
> does not trust in the values of our community (being welcoming,
> inclusive, taking care of each other, etc. well as least, trying as much
> as possible :-)).
> For me, the counter-measure against an hostile takeover is somehow
> captured the point #2 above.
> Co-supporter, because similarly as the manual section « (guix) Reviewing
> the Work of Others » [1], the aim is to cross the final line, make
> progress by incremental focused improvements.  Therefore, a proposal
> needs the help of someone committed to the project (long-standing
> contributor, committer, etc.).
> I agree that “contributor sufficiently familiar” is maybe too vague and
> needs more specific examples as “contributor sufficiently familiar
> (committers or people with X commits)”.  Well, that’s part refining the
> proposal. :-)

For this part I think that for 'contributor sufficiently familiar' can
be interpreted as someone sufficiently familiar with Guix, the coding
standards, etc., and it could also be interpreted as someone
sufficiently familiar with the subject matter being proposed. For
example, I don't know about AVR chips or programming them or knowing
what to do with them, but I can review the code submitted to make sure
it doesn't break other functionality already included in Guix and rely
on others telling me that they've tested out the code and it works with
their chips.

> Last, I think that the time-frame for discussing needs to be bounded.
> Somehow this bound will help in the incremental improvement and will
> avoid the trap of the perfect-as-the-first-try.
> Well, let recover from these awesome Guix Days and from FOSDEM and then
> resume this proposal.
> Cheers,
> simon
> 1:

Efraim Flashner   <>   רנשלפ םירפא
GPG key = A28B F40C 3E55 1372 662D  14F7 41AA E7DC CA3D 8351
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[-- Attachment #2: signature.asc --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 833 bytes --]

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5)
  2023-10-31 11:14 Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation Simon Tournier
                   ` (3 preceding siblings ...)
  2024-02-03 10:34 ` [post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process) Simon Tournier
@ 2025-01-03 18:38 ` Simon Tournier
  2025-01-07 10:40   ` Ludovic Courtès
  4 siblings, 1 reply; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2025-01-03 18:38 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Guix Devel
  Cc: Ludovic Courtès, Efraim Flashner, Ricardo Wurmus,
	Christopher Baines, GNU Guix maintainers


Below the updated version (v5) of the RFC introducing the RFC process.

The submission is: <>.

Well, a very good lesson is: Co-supporter is very important!  It helps
in crossing the final line. :-) In other words, the Timeline had not
been respected at all because the lack of an initial Co-supporter.

Almost two months ago, Noé resumed the proposal [1].  It appears to me
that now we are close to the end of the Comment period.

Yeah any comment is very welcome. :-)

Then, I propose to start the Last Call the 17th (January) and finalize
(or withdraw) for the end of the month (January, 31th) – in both cases,
a good opportunity to share a drink at Guix Days in Brussels. :-)



1: [bug#74736] [PATCH v2 0/1] Add Request-For-Comment process.
Noé Lopez via Guix-patches via <>
Sun, 08 Dec 2024 13:29:52 +0100


title: Request-For-Comment process
Issue: 66844
Status: pending
Supporter: Simon Tournier
Co-supporters: Noé Lopez
date: 2023-10-31

# Summary

The “RFC” (request for comments) process is intended to provide a consistent
and structured path for major changes to enter the Guix project, so that all
stakeholders can make decisions collectively and be confident about the
direction it is evolving in.

# Motivation

Guix becomes a broadly used system with many contributors and the way we add
new features has been good but starts to show its limits.  The lack of a clear
process easy to consult makes difficult to share a common evolution.

There are a number of changes that are significant enough that they could
benefit from wider community consensus before being introduced.  Either
because they introduce new concepts, big changes or are controversial enough
that not everybody will consent on the direction to take.

Therefore, the purpose of this RFC is to introduce a process that allows to
bring the discussion upfront and strengthen decisions.  This RFC is used to
bootstrap the process and further RFCs can be used to refine the process.

It covers significant changes, where “significant” means any change that could
only be reverted at a high cost, or any change with the potential to disrupt
user scripts and programs or user workflows.  Examples include:

-   changing the <package> record type and/or its interfaces;
-   adding or removing a 'guix' sub-command;
-   changing the channel mechanism;
-   changing project policy such as teams, decision-making, the
    deprecation policy or this very document;
-   changing the contributor workflow and related infrastructure
    (mailing lists, source code repository and forge, continuous
    integration, etc.)

# Detailed design

## When to follow this process

This process is followed when one intends to make “significant” changes to the
Guix project.  What constitutes a “significant” change may include the

-   Changes that modify user-facing interfaces that may be relied on
    -   Command-line interfaces
    -   Core Scheme interfaces
-   Big restructuring of packages
-   Hard to revert changes
-   Governance or changes to the way we collaborate

Certain changes do not require an RFC:

-   Adding, updating packages, removing outdated packages
-   Fixing security updates and bugs that don’t break interfaces

A patch submission that contains any of the aforementioned substantial changes
may be asked to first submit a RFC.

For general day-to-day contributions, please follow the regular process as
described by the manual, for example sections “Submitting Patches”, “Reviewing
the Work of Others”, “Teams” and “Making Decisions”.

## How the process works

1.  Clone <>
2.  Copy rfc/ to rfc/ where good-name
    is descriptive but not too long and XY increments
3.  Fill RFC
4.  Submit to
5.  Announce your RFC to

Make sure the RFC proposal is as well-written as you would expect the final
version of it to be.  It does not mean that all the subtleties must be
considered at this point since that is the aim of Comment period.  It means
that the RFC process is not a prospective brainstorming and the RFC proposal
formalize an idea for making it happen.

The submission of a RFC proposal does not require an implementation.  However,
to improve the chance of a successful RFC, it is recommended to have an idea
for implementing it.  If an implementation is attached to the detailed design,
it might help the discussion.

At this point, at least one other person must volunteer to be “co-supporter”.
The aim is to improve the chances that the RFC is both desired and likely to
be implemented.  See “Co-supporter” section.

Once supporter and co-supporter(s) are committed in the RFC process, the
discussion starts.  Publicizing of the RFC on the project’s mailing list named
guix-devel is mandatory, and on other main communication channels is highly

After a number of rounds of comments, the discussion should settle and a
general consensus should emerge.  Please follow the “Decision Making” and
“Timeline” sections.

A successful RFC is not a rubber stamp, and in particular still does not mean
the feature will ultimately be merged; it does mean that in principle all the
participants have agreed to the feature and are amenable to merging it.

An unsuccessful RFC is **not** a judgment on the value of the work, so a
refusal should rather be interpreted as “let's discuss again with a different
angle”. The last state of an unsuccessful RFC is archived under the directory
rfc/withdrawn/ and the status quo continues.

When time passing, a successful RFC might be replaced by another successful
RFC.  The status of the former is thus modified and becomes 'deprecated'; it
is archived under the directory rfc/deprecated.

At the end of the process, the status of the RFC is either successful,
withdrawn or deprecated.

## Co-supporter

A co-supporter is a contributor sufficiently familiar with the project's
practices, hence it is recommended, but not mandatory, to be a team member or
a contributor with commit access.  The co-supporter helps the supporter, they
are both charged with keeping the RFC moving through the process.  The
co-supporter role is to help the RFC supporter by being the timekeeper and
helps in pushing forward until process completion.

The co-supporter doesn’t necessarily have to agree with all the points
of the RFC but should generally be satisfied that the proposed additions
are a good thing for the community.

## Timeline

The lifetime of an RFC is structured into the following recommended

digraph "RFC Timeline" {
    submission[label=<Submission Period<br />7 days>]
    comments[label=<Discussion Period<br />30–60 days>]
    last_call[label=<Deliberation Period<br />14 days>]
    withdrawn[label=Withdrawn, shape=rectangle]
    final[label=Final, shape=rectangle]
    submission -> comments
    submission -> withdrawn
    comments -> last_call
    last_call -> withdrawn
    last_call -> final
    withdrawn -> submission [label="New version"]
    comments -> withdrawn

The author may withdraw their RFC proposal at any time; and it might be
submitted again using a new issue number.

### Submission (up to 7 days)

Anyone might be author and submits their RFC proposal as a regular patch and
look for co-supporter(s). See “Co-supporter” section.

Once the RFC proposal is co-supported, it marks the start of a Comment period.

### Comment (at least 30 days, up to 60 days)

The Comment period starts once the author publishes their RFC to guix-devel,
then the RFC is freely discussed by anyone for a period of at least 30 days.
It is up to the supporter and co-supporter(s) to ensure that sufficient
discussion is solicited.

Please make sure that all have the time and space for expressing their
comments.  The RFC is about significant changes, thus more opinions is better
than less.

The author is encouraged to publish updated versions of their RFC at any point
during the discussion period.

Once the discussion goes stale or after 60 days, the author must summarize the
state of the conversation and keep the final version.

It moves to the last call period.

### Last call (up to 14 days)

Once the final version is published, team members have 14 days to cast one of
the following replies on the patch-tracking entry about the RFC:

- Support: meaning that support in principle;
- Accept: meaning no opposition in principle;
- Disagree: meaning opposed in principle.

This deliberation period strengthens the consensus; see “Decision Making”.

The RFC is accepted if (1) at least 25% of the team members cast a reply, and
(2) no one disagrees.  In other cases, the RFC is withdrawn.

Anyone who is on a team (see file ‘teams.scm’) is a deliberating member and is
asked to reply.

## Decision Making

It is expected from all contributors, and even more so from team members, to
help in building consensus.  By using consensus, we are committed to finding
solutions that everyone can live with.

It implies that no decision is made against significant concerns and these
concerns are actively resolved with proposals that work for everyone.  A
contributor wishing to block a proposal bears a special responsibility for
finding alternatives, proposing ideas/code or explaining the rationale for the
status quo.

As a deliberating member, when replying “Disagree”, you mean (1) you cannot
live with the RFC and (2) you have been active and helping in discussing the
RFC during the Comment period.

To learn what consensus decision making means and understand its finer
details, you are encouraged to read

## Merging the outcome

Once a consensus is made, a committer should do the following to merge the

1.  Fill in the remaining metadata in the RFC header, including links
    for the original submission.
2.  Commit everything.
3.  Announce the establishment of the RFC to all.

## Template of RFC

The structure of the RFC is captured by the template; see the file
rfc/  Please use Markdown as markup language.

## The Cost Of Reverting

The RFC process can be refined by further RFCs.

## Drawbacks

There is a risk that the additional process will hinder contribution more than
it would help.  We should stay alert that the process is only a way to help
contribution, not an end in itself.

Of course, group decision-making processes are difficult to manage.

The ease of commenting may bring a slightly diminished signal-to-noise ratio
in collected feedback, particularly on easily bike-shedded topics.

## Open questions

There are still questions regarding the desired scope of the process.  While
we want to ensure that changes which affect the users are well-considered, we
certainly don’t want the process to become unduly burdensome. This is a
careful balance which will require care to maintain moving forward.

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5)
  2025-01-03 18:38 ` Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5) Simon Tournier
@ 2025-01-07 10:40   ` Ludovic Courtès
  2025-01-08 15:15     ` Suhail Singh
                       ` (2 more replies)
  0 siblings, 3 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Ludovic Courtès @ 2025-01-07 10:40 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier
  Cc: Guix Devel, Efraim Flashner, Ricardo Wurmus, Christopher Baines,
	GNU Guix maintainers

Hello Guix!

Simon Tournier <> skribis:

> Below the updated version (v5) of the RFC introducing the RFC process.
> The submission is: <>.

And now v6!

> Well, a very good lesson is: Co-supporter is very important!  It helps
> in crossing the final line. :-) In other words, the Timeline had not
> been respected at all because the lack of an initial Co-supporter.

Yes, would be nice if some of you reading this could offer to become

> Almost two months ago, Noé resumed the proposal [1].  It appears to me
> that now we are close to the end of the Comment period.
> Yeah any comment is very welcome. :-)
> Then, I propose to start the Last Call the 17th (January) and finalize
> (or withdraw) for the end of the month (January, 31th) – in both cases,
> a good opportunity to share a drink at Guix Days in Brussels. :-)

Even better if we can finalize before Guix Days so:

  discussion period ending on Jan. 14th
  deliberation period ending on Jan. 28th

How does that sound?

Everyone: this may sound like boring administrative stuff, but in fact,
it’s pretty crucial for the well-being of the project (meaning: the
people!) going forward.  It’s a fairly simple process that ensures
important decisions are properly discussed and decided on, and that
everyone gets a chance to weigh in.

Without such a process, it’s either authoritarianism or stagnation.

Please take a look, comment, offer your name as a “supporter”, and then
make your voice heard during the deliberation period!


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5)
  2025-01-07 10:40   ` Ludovic Courtès
@ 2025-01-08 15:15     ` Suhail Singh
  2025-01-09 17:33     ` Simon Tournier
  2025-01-10  0:07     ` Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC) Simon Tournier
  2 siblings, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Suhail Singh @ 2025-01-08 15:15 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Ludovic Courtès
  Cc: Simon Tournier, Guix Devel, Efraim Flashner, Ricardo Wurmus,
	Christopher Baines, GNU Guix maintainers, 74736

Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

> Even better if we can finalize before Guix Days so:
>   discussion period ending on Jan. 14th
>   deliberation period ending on Jan. 28th
> How does that sound?

I have commented on the issue.  If my request to be a supporter is
accepted, I support the above amendment to the target dates.


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5)
  2025-01-07 10:40   ` Ludovic Courtès
  2025-01-08 15:15     ` Suhail Singh
@ 2025-01-09 17:33     ` Simon Tournier
  2025-01-09 23:49       ` bokr
  2025-01-10  6:26       ` Suhail Singh
  2025-01-10  0:07     ` Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC) Simon Tournier
  2 siblings, 2 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2025-01-09 17:33 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Ludovic Courtès
  Cc: Guix Devel, Efraim Flashner, Ricardo Wurmus, Christopher Baines,
	GNU Guix maintainers


On Tue, 07 Jan 2025 at 11:40, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:

> Yes, would be nice if some of you reading this could offer to become
> “supporters”.


> Please take a look, comment, offer your name as a “supporter”, and then
> make your voice heard during the deliberation period!

I think we need to clarify what means “supporter”.  In my mind, a
Supporter is a person that commits to help the Author in crossing the
final line.

During the Discussion Period, we discuss, all.  The aim of Supporter is
to keep the RFC on track.  Especially, to let space and time to all to
express their voice.  Nix names this Role: Shepherd.  Maybe it captures
better the idea.

Then during the Deliberation Period, team members reply “I support”.


BTW, I like “Guix Common Document“ [1] instead of Request-For-Comment as
suggested by pukkamustard.


1: [post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process)
Simon Tournier <>
Sat, 03 Feb 2024 11:34:13 +0100

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5)
  2025-01-09 17:33     ` Simon Tournier
@ 2025-01-09 23:49       ` bokr
  2025-01-10  6:26       ` Suhail Singh
  1 sibling, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: bokr @ 2025-01-09 23:49 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier
  Cc: Ludovic Courtès, Guix Devel, Efraim Flashner, Ricardo Wurmus,
	Christopher Baines, GNU Guix maintainers

On +2025-01-09 18:33:16 +0100, Simon Tournier wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 07 Jan 2025 at 11:40, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:
> > Yes, would be nice if some of you reading this could offer to become
> > “supporters”.
> [...]
> > Please take a look, comment, offer your name as a “supporter”, and then
> > make your voice heard during the deliberation period!
> I think we need to clarify what means “supporter”.  In my mind, a
> Supporter is a person that commits to help the Author in crossing the
> final line.
> During the Discussion Period, we discuss, all.  The aim of Supporter is
> to keep the RFC on track.  Especially, to let space and time to all to
> express their voice.  Nix names this Role: Shepherd.  Maybe it captures
> better the idea.
> Then during the Deliberation Period, team members reply “I support”.
> BTW, I like “Guix Common Document“ [1] instead of Request-For-Comment as
> suggested by pukkamustard.

I like <>

I'm imagining a virtual virtuous BDFL (VVBDFL) of a Guix or Guile project with
the parliament trying to influence the VVBDFL's decisions/commits.

I imagine a game engine could make it almost live, but the dialog stream should always
be available in parallel as text packets (unicode paragraphs a la TeX?) for easy archiving
and searching.

I prefer minimal cruft and easy greppability :)

So how about <project-name>-parliament ?

> Cheers,
> simon
> 1: [post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process)
> Simon Tournier <>
> Sat, 03 Feb 2024 11:34:13 +0100

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC)
  2025-01-07 10:40   ` Ludovic Courtès
  2025-01-08 15:15     ` Suhail Singh
  2025-01-09 17:33     ` Simon Tournier
@ 2025-01-10  0:07     ` Simon Tournier
  2025-01-12 15:11       ` Arun Isaac
  2025-01-14 18:28       ` bokr
  2 siblings, 2 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Simon Tournier @ 2025-01-10  0:07 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Ludovic Courtès
  Cc: Guix Devel, Efraim Flashner, Ricardo Wurmus, Christopher Baines,
	GNU Guix maintainers

Hi all,

On Tue, 07 Jan 2025 at 11:40, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:

>> The submission is: <>.
> And now v6!

See v7:

> Even better if we can finalize before Guix Days so:
>   discussion period ending on Jan. 14th
>   deliberation period ending on Jan. 28th
> How does that sound?

It sounds good to me.

Please make your voice heard.  Especially if the document appears to you
unclear.  All voice counts!  Your voice is important if you feel part of
the Guix community; don’t be shy. :-)


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5)
  2025-01-09 17:33     ` Simon Tournier
  2025-01-09 23:49       ` bokr
@ 2025-01-10  6:26       ` Suhail Singh
  1 sibling, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Suhail Singh @ 2025-01-10  6:26 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier
  Cc: Ludovic Courtès, Guix Devel, Efraim Flashner, Ricardo Wurmus,
	Christopher Baines, GNU Guix maintainers

Simon Tournier <> writes:

> During the Discussion Period, we discuss, all.  The aim of Supporter is
> to keep the RFC on track.  Especially, to let space and time to all to
> express their voice.  Nix names this Role: Shepherd.  Maybe it captures
> better the idea.
> Then during the Deliberation Period, team members reply “I support”.

"Shepherd", imo, is a better name.  One, it evokes the image of someone
guiding others (which is apt).  Two, it uses a different term than what
team members use to voice their consensus (thereby avoiding confusion
with simply voicing agreement/consensus).


^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC)
  2025-01-10  0:07     ` Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC) Simon Tournier
@ 2025-01-12 15:11       ` Arun Isaac
  2025-01-14 18:28       ` bokr
  1 sibling, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: Arun Isaac @ 2025-01-12 15:11 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: zimon.toutoune; +Cc: efraim, guix-devel, guix-maintainers, ludo, mail, rekado

Hi Simon,

Thanks for pushing the RFC process forward.


I highly appreciate that you linked to this. It helps for us to be on
the same page on this complex matter. Too often, democracy is
misunderstood as being only about the majoritarian voting systems that
most of us are exposed to.

On the matter of communication channels for the RFC process, can we have
a separate mailing list for RFC announcements? I (and probably many
others) am not subscribed to guix-devel due to it being the information
firehose that it is. I would appreciate having a different less noisy
channel so I don't miss out on important RFCs.

Thank you very much!

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

* Re: Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC)
  2025-01-10  0:07     ` Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC) Simon Tournier
  2025-01-12 15:11       ` Arun Isaac
@ 2025-01-14 18:28       ` bokr
  1 sibling, 0 replies; 20+ messages in thread
From: bokr @ 2025-01-14 18:28 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: Simon Tournier
  Cc: Ludovic Courtès, Guix Devel, Efraim Flashner, Ricardo Wurmus,
	Christopher Baines, GNU Guix maintainers

Hi Simon, and anyone interested,

    1)	SFTN: apologies for mistakenly introducing offtopic tangentials in earlier post ;-/
    2)	IWBN: if links/urls in the GCD document had base names for wget automatic file naming.
    3)	IWBN: if there were a guile-glossary.html AND a guix-glossary.html AND
    4)	IWBN: if the GCD html document had hover-hints with glossary excerpts and links thereto.
    5)	IWBN: if importantly exact references had sha256sum hashes as, or embedded in, the basenames.
    6)	IWBN: to provide links for bewildered visitors to explanatory documentation, e.g. [1]-[6]
    7)	SFTN:= Sorry For The Noise, IWBN:= It Would Be Nice, GCD:= Guix Common Document


I like glossaries (4), but [3] and [6] are excellent, and provide more info -- but not
glossary definitions. Quick, What's a thread?  A fiber? A continuation? Wayland protocol?

BTW, I think IWBN to rename the Concept-Index.html files with Guile- or Guix- prefixes
in case someone wgets them :) People can use [1] and [4] to download different formats, and
e.g. get a single file html, which is nice for Ctl-f searching, as Simon has pointed out.
The html_node ones may lessen waits where bandwidth is low/expensive.

Might mention that the guix cookbook (updated?) might be viewable something like:
    info -f <repo-dir>/guix/doc/guix-cookbook.texi
for those who have cloned the guix repo.

Well, I'll leave it at that. Thanks for reading :)

Bengt Richter

On +2025-01-10 01:07:47 +0100, Simon Tournier wrote:
> Hi all,
> On Tue, 07 Jan 2025 at 11:40, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:
> >> The submission is: <>.
> >
> > And now v6!
> See v7:
> > Even better if we can finalize before Guix Days so:
> >
> >   discussion period ending on Jan. 14th
> >   deliberation period ending on Jan. 28th
> >
> > How does that sound?
> It sounds good to me.
> Please make your voice heard.  Especially if the document appears to you
> unclear.  All voice counts!  Your voice is important if you feel part of
> the Guix community; don’t be shy. :-)
> Cheers,
> simon

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 20+ messages in thread

end of thread, other threads:[~2025-01-14 18:30 UTC | newest]

Thread overview: 20+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2023-10-31 11:14 Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation Simon Tournier
2023-11-16 15:03 ` Ludovic Courtès
2023-11-20  9:42   ` Simon Tournier
2023-11-22 18:17     ` Ludovic Courtès
2023-11-23  7:04 ` Efraim Flashner
2023-11-28 13:34   ` Simon Tournier
2023-12-19 12:33 ` Simon Tournier
2023-12-20 11:49   ` Ricardo Wurmus
2024-02-03 10:09     ` Simon Tournier
2024-02-03 10:34 ` [post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process) Simon Tournier
2024-02-07  8:27   ` Efraim Flashner
2025-01-03 18:38 ` Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation (v5) Simon Tournier
2025-01-07 10:40   ` Ludovic Courtès
2025-01-08 15:15     ` Suhail Singh
2025-01-09 17:33     ` Simon Tournier
2025-01-09 23:49       ` bokr
2025-01-10  6:26       ` Suhail Singh
2025-01-10  0:07     ` Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC) Simon Tournier
2025-01-12 15:11       ` Arun Isaac
2025-01-14 18:28       ` bokr

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